
Here's How Eager We Are to Vote This Time...

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Media polls of voters about the November election and the familiar faces competing for the presidency are a daily staple of the news these days.

Media wants to have something that seems new every day. And polls, which are quickly outdated along with the opinions of pundits writing about them, quite quickly grow stale and dusty. But they feel it's useful apparent evidence of the ongoing political horse race that they like to turn every election into, as if leads changed by the day.

The over-dependence on coverage of polls is because Joe Biden is physically and mentally incapable of traditional campaigning with real voters. That would deliver in person more of the very evidence of decay that Biden's team is trying so hard to hide to capture 1,460 more days in White House power. 

Except, of course, Biden can still speak at fundraising events where, even then, he wanders off course like Mr. Magoo.

He wants those millions of dollars to spend attacking Trump in coming months.

Trump, too, has trouble hitting the road. Not because of any infirmity but because of the lawfare that Democrat prosecutors and judges are waging against him, Which requires his presence inside a courtroom.

This is the longest presidential campaign by far in U.S. history — 19 months already, with a bunch more yet to go. I look back with fondness to 1960 when John F. Kennedy announced his candidacy on Jan. 3. And the entire process was over on Nov. 8.

We still have the parties' national conventions to endure — the Republicans in Milwaukee in mid-July and Democrats in Chicago five weeks later. 

It seems the same rowdy folks who brought us all this spring's campus demonstrations, tent cities, angry confrontations, antisemitism, and canceled classes and commencements will be back by unpopular demand.

I wrote recently about them already planning to disrupt the Democrats' Windy City convention, as they did in 1968. Except this time, the disrupters have a leftist mayor on their side.

Gallup did a recent poll on how eager Americans are to vote this Leap Year. That's the topic of this week's audio commentary.

It occurs to me just now that their urgent readiness to vote may have less to do with making a choice of commander in chief than just getting this whole divisive time over with.

The most recent audio commentary examined and critiqued Joe Biden's latest betrayal of an ally, Israel, in the midst of an existential war against Hamas. 

Blowback may have forced the Band of Bidens to retreat in their plans to withhold military aid because the Israelis are not obeying the wishes of an unpopular U.S. president seeking to pander to a small number of Muslim voters in a crucial swing state.

This week's column examined a major, festering problem for the conservative community: the increasingly blatant bias of mainstream media. I spent many years working there, and its editorial policies have always leaned left. 

The stark shift this century to full-blown progressive advocacy in the news columns stunned and disappointed me personally, which doesn't really matter. 

What's important is that shift has denied about half the country of reliable sources of factual information, which are essential for honest, ongoing debate in a free country.

So, the column asked the serious question Can Media Ever Regain Credibility?

My answer is in there. But readers also jumped into the Comments with their own thoughts and verdicts. Worth reading.


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