CNN Claps Back at Biden: 'He Loved the Polls Four Years Ago'—When They Showed Him Ahead

Townhall Media

Joe Biden hasn't been a fan of the polls lately because the results have been quite unfavorable to him. In response, he's been alternately criticizing the outlets producing the surveys, ignoring them, or just flat-out denying what they're showing. 


Not just a river in Egypt:

Even CNN Calls New Battleground States Poll 'Absolute Disaster' for Biden - Electoral Numbers Tell Tale

Biden Campaign Desperation Sets in, Now Saying the Polls Are Fake

CNN, meanwhile, is usually a reliably left-wing mouthpiece for the Biden administration. While they conducted a fawning interview with the president in early May, even they didn't take kindly to his criticisms of their surveys. "The polling data has been wrong all along. You guys do a poll at CNN," Biden snarled at host Erin Burnett. "How many folks do you have to call to get one response?"

There's only one problem with that hot take: Biden sure was a fan of them in 2020 when they showed him ahead of then-President Donald Trump. Burnett and data analyst Harry Enten pointed out Biden's gaslighting Tuesday:

"He doesn’t like the polls. He doesn’t like what they’re showing right now,” host Erin Burnett said Tuesday in referring to an interview with the president in which he “expressed disdain and frustration” of swing state polls...

“Is he right or is it wishful thinking?” Burnett asked CNN data analyst Harry Enten on “OutFront” Tuesday.

“He loved the polls four years ago when they showed him ahead,” Enten replied. “These are the same polls now.”


Exactly, he loved them four years ago, and he'll love them again if they somehow turn back again in his favor. Watch:

Enten went on to point out something we always reiterate here at RedState: it's early, and polls can change.

"But here’s the thing: the polls can be right at this point, and then keep in mind, we still have six months until the election. Polls can change plenty.”

“On election day in the average battleground states, the polls were off six points since 1972,” he pointed out. “In 2020, they were off five points. So, if we’re talking about one, two-point leads in these battleground states, the polls could be showing one thing and then the other person could certainly win.”

That being said, the numbers are really, really bad if you're on Team Biden.

As we reported Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about Joe's low numbers and blamed everything but the kitchen sink. 

The buck stops somewhere else:

WH Blames Biden's Stunning Unpopularity on… COVID and Russia. Maybe Voters Just Don't Like Him?


Biden and KJP can blame Vladimir Putin, the Wuhan flu, incorrect polling methods, and anything else they can think of for their failures, but it's pretty clear the American people are fed up with this failed leader. I don't particularly trust surveys—they've so often turned out to be wrong—but when so many of them are showing the same thing, it's likely they're onto something. You can tell Biden's getting desperate because he's even agreed to do debates with Donald Trump, something he'd really rather avoid because there's a 90 percent chance he'll embarrass himself. 

I will be getting some Red Vines and popcorn for that if it really does happen, which I tend to doubt. My bet is that Biden will find some reason to pull out at the last minute.


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