
It's Happening: New York's Crime Has Gotten So Bad That Vigilante Justice Is on the Horizon

AP Photo/John Minchillo

The video I'm about to post is rather graphic so if you're easily disturbed, please don't watch it. 

A video of a man coming up behind a woman on the streets of New York, wrapping a belt around her neck, choking her, and then dragging her between two cars went viral on Twitter. While trapped between the two cars, the man sexually assaulted the woman. The video showed just how much crime there is in the city that never sleeps, and how brave the criminals have gotten. 

While you cannot see the sexual assault take place in full view due to being blocked by the cars, you can see as the woman passes out while being dragged by the belt. 

However, there is a follow-up to this video. 

As it turns out, the criminal was caught. According to police, he is 39-year-old Kasnaan Parks. Parks has a whopping five prior arrests. According to WPIX-TV, Parks and the 45-year-old woman may have known each other and were seen with each other previously. Police believe the assault was a prostitution deal gone bad. 

The following video shows Parks' arrest, but the public didn't want him arrested. Not because they were willing to protect him. Quite the opposite, actually. They wanted Parks for themselves to dish out a little mob justice. 

The police were actually having to protect Parks from the rabid mob ready to take care of the problem themselves. 

And you can't blame the people of New York for feeling this way. The man is a repeated offender who clearly is in the habit of offending still. He's dangerous, he's walking free, and he's a drop in the bucket of free criminals roaming around New York. 

If there's one thing the city's politicians seem to love, it's soft-on-crime policies. With the right identity, you can literally attack police officers and go free. Hell, you can flip off the cameras in contempt of the people while you walk away. 

(READ: New York Has Fallen, Leave If You Can)

In April, I warned this kind of thing was going to happen, noting that New York is slowly going to make its gun laws irrelevant in the face of its soft-on-crime policies and soon, New York would resemble the Wild West. RedState reported in a previous article that gun sales in New York were seeing a massive bump because people felt unsafe. Concealed carry permit applications were also on the rise and New York was taking its sweet time in approving them. 

As criminals roam free and people are arming themselves in fear, I said that New York was going to resemble a powder keg sooner than later: 

Ask yourself what the law matters in a city where too few police are there to enforce it and too many criminals are there to ignore it anyway. 

This is the environment Democrat politicians are creating and I don't just mean in New York. In many blue cities, you'll find this mentality of soft-on-crime, hard-on-guns that plunge a city or county into lawlessness. These places become warzones with the dead mounting into absurd numbers every year.

And now we have a clearly angry mob ready to kill a man New York let walk after five arrests. 

I know what you're thinking because I'm thinking the same thing. 

Let them have him. Let them make an example of this man and send a message to the other criminals around the city that if you're not going to fear the law, then you will fear the people. 

Vigilante justice is fun to talk about, but it's the kind of thing that could descend into murderous chaos without proper guidelines on just how far people can go. Unchecked vigilantism eventually becomes mob rule and we all know how well that works out. Our justice system is designed to make sure everyone gets a fair trial be it against the state or the people. 

This issue is that New York's version of "fair" is so perverted and skewed that the only reliable justice is the justice the people can dish out themselves. 

The lesson here is that Democrat soft-on-crime policies are just as criminal as the criminals themselves. It practically rewards criminality by hardly punishing it at all. This creates hubris for wrongdoers. 

But there's a limit. Before long, the people will have had it. They'll start taking matters into their own hands. When that happens, the city will have two problems on its hands. The video above with the mob ready to enact justice shows that New York is ready to explode. 


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