'Assassin's Creed Shadows' Reveals the Left's Stunning Lack of Self-Awareness and Hypocrisy On 'Racism'


The thing about the social justice mentality is that it's so busy pointing at the speck of sawdust in other people's eyes that they fail to notice the plank in their own. 


The left has a very bad habit of accusing others of social sins, even when no sin is actually being committed. This often happens in the creative space, where if the social justice community finds anything wrong with what's being created (and they will find it) they will complain endlessly, accuse, berate, and even threaten until they get their way. 

But when they turn around and do the exact same thing they got mad at others for doing, they consider it important work that needs to be done for the sake of (insert social justice cause here). 

A perfect example of this comes in the form of the announcement for the video game "Assassin's Creed Shadows," a game that takes place in the Edo period of Japan. There are two main characters, a Japanese woman...and a Black man. 

The nature of Assassin's Creed games is that they tell something of an alternate history hidden from public view, dating all the way to the creation of the human race. The games take place during interesting periods in human history such as the Revolutionary War, the French Revolution, and the Rennaisance. Famous people from history often make appearances. 

The black character in question is a man named "Yasuke," a real-life figure from that period of Japan who served under the warlord Nobunaga. While there are conflicting reports as to Yasuke's importance to Nobunaga, the mystery allows for some artistic license to be taken. 


But that's not the issue. A known black man who lived in that period in Japan being a character in an Assassin's Creed game isn't the issue at all. The issue is that if the roles were reversed, and this was a Japanese man in Africa, killing Africans, the social justice community would have lost it. There would be endless gnashing of teeth and rending of clothing around the racism inherent in the game. 

Moreover, as Japanese people pointed out, they finally get an Assassin's Creed game set in their country and the main character isn't one of them. Again, if the roles were reversed, and it took place in Africa and your character was a white or Asian man, then there would be an outcry about representation and endless accusations of racism toward the developers. 

Japanese gamers are pointing out where Ubisoft has gone very wrong with everything, and not just the main character. 

There's definitely a lot that Ubisoft got wrong with this, including the nature of Yasuke. As Forbes reported, Wikipedia is now in an editing war over Yasuke and the site is now being accused of attempting to rewrite history on behalf of a corporation: 


In addition, a massive edit war has erupted over on Wikipedia about Yasuke himself, which isn’t exactly helpful either. It also shows that this is clearly a contentious issue and one that people aren’t happy about in terms of history being “rewritten”.

Moreover, the hypocrisy of it all is capped off by the fact that multiple games released in the past had been lambasted by the social justice left over white people being involved in their creation. During the creation of the game "Sifu," the story of a Chinese man's revenge against those who killed his master, Western journalists blasted the game for the developers being white. 

“Seeing white people rip other cultures as wallpaper for their creations, no matter how much research is done, is cringy,” wrote Funk-é Joseph of Fanbyte. 

“I think it’s also worth noting that Sifu was developed by a European development team,” wrote Blake Morse of Shake News, “and some aspects of the game do come off as culturally tone-deaf.”

The developers of the game "Ghost of Tsushima" also endured accusations of racism and cultural appropriation as the development team was mostly white. 

Yet, Ubisoft's lead writer for the game is a pronoun-laden white woman from Quebec. 


This time, the social justice left is all hands on deck to come to the defense of a white creator appropriating another's culture. 

Funny how that works. 

Ultimately, it wouldn't really matter to the vast majority of gamers that a black man was in a Japanese game, especially if he was an actual historical figure. What can't be overlooked is that if roles were reversed, this would never have flown for the social justice left. There wouldn't be an end to the outrage. 

But hypocrisy is okay when the extreme left does it. Their social sins aren't sins apparently. 

I'll not be buying this game, not just because I don't think it'll be any good (Assassin's Creed games lost the plot a while back) but because if they're going to play these stupid games then they need to know that two can play it. 


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