'Morning Joe' Madness: Unhinged Scarborough Thinks NYT Is Rigging Polls...in TRUMP'S Favor

Townhall Media

As the Democrat state media continue to deliquesce into a massive puddle of terrified goo over the distinct possibility that the Devil's spawn himself — Donald J. Trump — will return to the White House in January after winning the 2024 presidential election, some on-air hacks are taking it harder than others.


One of the so-afflicted is Joe Scarborough. 

Scarborough, who co-hosts MSNBC's "Morning Joe," along with wife and sometimes minder Mika Brzezinski, is a textbook example of how stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome can ravage the brain of a victim.

Case in point:

On Wednesday's riveting episode of "Morning Joe," Scarborough fell out of his Trump-loathing tree over the latest New York Times/Siena poll, which shows the former president leading Biden in five out of six swing states. 

So Joe, who appears to love conspiracy theories more than life itself, did what he often does when confronted with reality that doesn't compute with his TDS head: he accused The Times — of all legacy media — of all of rigging the polls... against Biden... so they could write clickbait articles about the polls.

Maybe they're trying to make up for '20, when they skewed in Biden's direction by about four or five points? But every one of these New York Times/Siena polls have been wildly skewed when you compare them to other polls that come out at the same time. 

Incorrect— but let's move on.

Obviously distraught, Joe continued to dump on The Times — bigly.

And by the way, people are calling Mika, saying this is a just reaction to one poll. No. You can go back. You can look at the tape. We do this every time when the New York Times/Siena poll comes out. It's always an outlier, and the New York Times always gets 15 or 16 articles out of them that everybody rushes to, because it says, 'Earth ends at 5:00.' Hit link at 'New York Times,' 15 times, and they keep writing articles about it. 


Joe, Joe, Joe. 

Dude, I'd say "Get a grip," but you've lost what little rationality you had before it appeared that Trump might really return to the presidency— your worst nightmare.

John Heilemann, national affairs analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, wasn't having any of it, incredulously asking Scarborough with a reflective probe:

You're saying the New York Times is systematically putting these polls out in a way to try to amplify them to drive the news cycle?

"Yes. Yes, I am saying that," Scarborough delusionally answered.

Heilemann tried to hang on to reality— for Scarborough's sake:

I'm not saying it's not close. I'm not going to carry water for the New York Times or the methodology of this poll. I would keep going back to the thing that I try to say every time we talk about these things. Which is, that I'm really interested in — and I know you know this. What are the polls showing us directionally about the race?

Scarborough remained unfazed by reality— and became even more unglued. 

I understand. There's a difference, though, with the New York Times/Siena poll, and you know this. It's given disproportionate impact. This year, this cycle, it is skewed wildly in Donald Trump's direction. 

Heilemann tried to respond:


And I, what I'm trying to focus on is what I think people should pay attention to—

That's when Scarborough really lost it.

But what I'm trying to focus on is, the New York Times right now is actively shaping the election cycles, where this poll comes out on a Sunday, and on Monday, people go, 'Oh' and 'I heard it!' And I'm sitting there going, 'Don't be so stupid.'

After Heilemann tries one more time to talk Mika's husband down from the ledge, Scarborough shouted:

Hold on. No! No! Hold on a second. Hold on. No, no, no, no. Hold on.

And that, America, is today's episode of When Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome Pickles the Brain.


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