UCDivest Protester Unmasked As Racist, Hate-Filled Radical

AP Photo/Ryan Sun

There really is some virulent racism among the protestors and rioters who are causing so much trouble on American university campuses right now — but it's not the kind of racism that the left constantly shouts about. Independent journalist Cam Higby, who has been in the thick of things on the UCLA campus, reveals for us some telling videos from that campus.


In what universe is "I hate white people" anything but a racist remark? It seems to me that if you reversed the melanin content of the speaker and the spoken of, the left would be raising a hue and cry that would be detectable from low Earth orbit, but when some campus communist says they "hate white people?"

This person — whoever they are — makes it abundantly clear that a cease-fire isn't what they are after. So, what conclusions must we draw from that remark? That they share Hamas' goals? Do they also plan to share Hamas' methods? Because that won't work out well for them here in the United States, at least not outside of their sheltered little college campuses.


But wait! There's more! Another X/Twitter user shows this same hateful person bragging about how successful their efforts at thwarting the cops were:

That's funny because I seem to remember the cops pretty much sweeping these young skulls full of mush aside with little effort. In fact, another intrepid sort uncovered a video of what appears to be the racist antisemite in the videos above getting unmasked on the way to the paddy wagon.

See Related: Rubio: 'Feeble' Joe Biden's 'Failure to Address' Radicals in US Who Support Hamas Has 'Fed' Campus Chaos 

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It's too easy to point and laugh at these people, and it's certainly appropriate to point and laugh, especially when they are getting hauled off to spend the night in the crowbars. But if we have learned one thing from recent events, it is that these people are still, as they doubtless have been all of their pampered lives, self-entitled and arrogant. Some students have been expelled, and some non-students have been wrist-slapped with trespassing charges, but it's not at all unlikely that escalation may be the next step — and in these videos, you see one person admitting their hate, their racism, and this is a person for whom escalation — perhaps prompted by persons behind the scenes — may well look like fun.


The mask is off. These people are potentially violent, racist, and filled with hate; they have no intention of quitting their current course, regardless of what Israel does. We may well be seeing the rise of a terrorist movement right here, home-grown in the United States.


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