Israeli Military Finds Bodies of Three Hostages

AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg

With each passing day, we seem to see still more evidence of Hamas's barbarity. On Friday, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) found the bodies of three hostages in Gaza. The recovered bodies are reported to be 22-year-old Shani Louk, whose image flashed around the world in October as Hamas terrorists paraded her body around in a pickup, as well as a 28-year-old woman, Amit Buskila, and a 56-year-old man, Itzhak Gelerenter.


The victims were reportedly killed at the Nova Music festival.

All three were killed by Hamas at the Nova music festival, an outdoor dance party near the Gaza border, military spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said at a news conference.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the deaths “heartbreaking,” saying, “We will return all of our hostages, both the living and the dead.”

The military said the bodies were found overnight, without elaborating, and did not give immediate details on where they were located. Israel has been operating in the Gaza Strip’s southern city of Rafah, where it says it has intelligence that hostages are being held.

The horrifying images of Hamas terrorists parading Shani Louk's body went viral within hours of the October 7th attacks. Miss Louk, a resident of Tel Aviv, was a German-Israeli who held dual citizenship, and the images of her being abused by Hamas have become a vivid reminder of Hamas's barbarity. Her death was confirmed on October 30 of last year when IDF troops found a portion of her skull's temporal bone on a street in Gaza and confirmed her identity by DNA testing. It's unclear how the temporal bone (the bone at the side of the skull, beneath the ear) became separated from the rest of her body, and that's probably just as well.


See Related: UN Finally Realizes Hamas Isn't a Reliable Source, Reduces Gaza Death Numbers by... a Lot 

Palestine Will Be Free...but Not From Hamas Spying

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to bring all the hostages back home, alive or dead.

Israel says around 100 hostages are still captive in Gaza, along with the bodies of around 30 more. Israel’s war in Gaza since the attack has killed more than 35,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza health officials.

Netanyahu has vowed to both eliminate Hamas and bring all the hostages back, but he’s made little progress. He faces pressure to resign, and the U.S. has threatened to scale back its support over the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Sadly, at this point, it seems unlikely that most of the hostages are still alive.

Israel Defense Forces troops are moving into Rafah as of this writing. As many as half a million residents have fled the IDF advance. The IDF has also warned non-Hamas Gazans to move to designated humanitarian relief areas.

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