
New Hampshire Senate Passes Bill Banning Boys Playing on Girls' School Sports Teams

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein, File

We have discussed the bitterly unfair practice of allowing boys to compete on girls' sports teams before; that biological reality has been ignored by too many school districts, as well as Democrat politicians, for some time now, despite mountains of evidence that boys and girls are biologically different even before puberty. But the pendulum appears to be swinging back towards common sense and fairness.

In a move to recognize biological reality and basic fairness in sports competition, the New Hampshire Senate has passed a bill prohibiting "transgender girls" - boys - from competing on girls' sports teams in grades 5-12 in New Hampshire schools.

The New Hampshire senate passed a bill this week that would bar transgender athletes in grades 5-12 from competing against the gender they identify as.

Supporters of the legislation said they wanted to protect girls from being injured by larger and stronger transgender athletes.

"When we talk about fairness and rights, we can’t cover every circumstance. And so in a very narrow way that I think to most of us is very clear, biological boys have an advantage over biological girls," said Senate President Jeb Bradley, a Republican from Wolfeboro. "We’ll never be able to legislate total fairness. But what we can’t do is create rights for one at the expense of another."

There was the predictable pushback from New Hampshire Democrats, but at least one vocal Dem appears to be entirely missing the point. 

Meanwhile, Democrats who opposed the bill said it was based on fear mongering. Sen. Debra Altschiller, a Democrat from Stratham, said there are only five transgender girls in New Hampshire who are athletes.

"Those five girls are not a threat. They are the threatened," she said. "While this gesture of protection may seem valiant, we say, ‘No thank you.’ If you really want to protect girls, protect the marginalized transgender girls."

The number of "transgender girls" is utterly irrelevant. This is a matter of biological reality and fairness, and the differences between boys and girls, men and women, are simple facts. It doesn't matter if there are five transgender girl athletes, or only one, or a thousand. This is a matter of principle, and the number of people directly affected matters not a jot.

See Related: Peru Classifies Transgender People As 'Mentally Ill'

Moms for Liberty Files Lawsuit Against Biden Administration Over Title IX Rules

This action from New Hampshire is, thankfully, part of a growing trend among states and municipalities acknowledging this biological reality.

At least 20 states have approved a version of a blanket ban on transgender athletes playing on K-12 and collegiate sports teams statewide, but a Biden administration rule to forbid such outright bans is set to take effect this year after multiple delays and much pushback.

The Title IX rule changes by the Biden administration seek to ram the hideously unfair practice of allowing boys and men to compete on girl's and women's sports teams down the throats of the states, but as of this writing, at least 20 states have filed suit to challenge the rule or they're just outright defying it.

All of this comes back to biological reality. Even before puberty, boys have greater strength in upper and lower limbs, greater muscular endurance, and greater trunk extensor strength and flexibility. I've pointed out my barrel-chested, big-fisted, rock-steady - and three-year-old - grandson, "Moose," as an example. 

These are facts. 

Those differences are even more pronounced post-puberty. Men on average rate higher in speed, strength, and endurance than women.

These are facts.

It's good to see more states acknowledge these facts.

Look, people are free to live as they see fit. If someone wants to "identify" as a mollusk, a ham sandwich, or a Cepheid variable, they are free to do so - right up to the point where they infringe on another person. Allowing boys and men to compete on sports teams intended for girls and women crosses that line. It's unfair, it defies biological reality, and the states that are pushing back on this practice are right to do so.


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