Morning Briefing for January 19, 2011

RedState Morning Briefing
For January 19, 2011

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1. Repeal of ObamaCare in the Senate – How To Do It

Although it is unlikely that the Senate will take up the House repeal measure H.R. 2 in the next few months, it is possible to bring it up later this year or some time next year if Republicans are smart. If Senators don’t take any action when the bill is transmitted from the House to the Senate, then there is little to no chance to pass the House repeal measure. This will show that Senate Republicans are not serious about a full repeal of ObamaCare. It is possible for conservative Senators to force a vote on H.R. 2, when the time is right, if they follow two simple procedures in the Senate to protect their rights. The bottom line is that it is possible for opponents of ObamaCare to set themselves up for an extended debate on ObamaCare in the Senate — if they have the will. It is also possible to pass the bill in the Senate, if conservatives are patient and ready to spring a vote on liberals when the time is right. Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. Force Congress to Stop the Debt

In 1997, the United States Senate voted on a balanced budget amendment. It fell just one vote short of the necessary 67 votes required for passage.49 of the 50 states are required to balance their budgets, but Congress, like Vermont, has no such requirement. Complicating that is the legitimate argument that should a Balanced Budget Amendment go forward, it could just be an excuse for Congress to raise taxes in order to increase spending.Well, no more. Jim DeMint and several of his colleagues are pushing a modified Balanced Budget Amendment and they want our help.Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. America Is Diseased: Democrats Incite Panic With Garbage Research

According to airtight research reported by Reuters, there’s probably not enough handicapped spots at your local grocery store.”As many as 129 million Americans under age 65 have health problems that could hurt their ability to obtain health insurance or force them to pay higher premiums, a U.S. government study said on Tuesday,” Reuters reports.According to the U.S. Census, there’s around 307 million Americans. 12% of those are 65 or older. That means there are approximately 270 million people under the age of 65.129 million of the 270 million have “health problems”. That would be 47% of Americans under 65 or nearly half of all Americans under the age of 65 have a health problem that would preclude them from getting health insurance.Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. Anti-WalMart Thugs Target Developer: Plan Protest Outside of Private Residence

Last May, a frightened teenager was trapped inside his home when a mob of SEIU astro-turfing thugs (estimated at 500 strong) trespassed on his front lawn to intimidate his father, the deputy general counsel of the Bank of America. While the protesters caught the family by surprise (allegedly aided and abetted by the police), unbeknownst to them, Fortune’s Nina Easton was a neighbor to the victim and exposed the injustice for what it was.Now, though, another gang of astro-turfing thugs has targeted (yes, targeted) the private home of a real estate developer for the audacity of building a WalMart that will employ up to 1200 DC-area residents.With unemployment in Washington, DC at 10.2%, it is hard to imagine anyone not wanting to see jobs added. That is, unless that someone is a union that doesn’t like the fact that WalMart operates its U.S. stores union-free.Please click here for the rest of the post.

5. Our Anglophobic President

At the outset of his presidency, Barack Obama promised to restore America’s great diplomatic stature, weakened in the politically costly wake of its war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Healed by renewed international cooperation, those wounds would be a thing of America’s darker, Republican past, he promised.But Number 10 never envisioned that Mr. Obama’s overhaul of America’s international relations would come at the cost of its own special relationship. Despite Britain’s political and economic proximity to the United States, that special relationship — invoked in every Anglo-American diplomatic communique from Winston Churchill to George Bush — has waned, diminished in equal proportion to Mr. Obama’s disquieting provocations.Please click here for the rest of the post.



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