Bill Kristol's Advice

Max Pappas at Freedom Works has the best summation of why Republicans in the House of Representatives should not take Bill Kristol’s advice:

Supported a “moderate” stimulus:

“I would have supported a moderate stimulus.”

Saw nothing wrong with the spending in the stimulus bill:

“If Obama wants a stimulus, Republicans will give it to him tomorrow. It’s the president’s and the Democrats’ insistence on incorporating a huge and problematic policy agenda in this one bill that’s delaying action.”

Supported government involvement in banking industry:

“They should think about breaking up the banks.”

Supported the Wall Street Bailout:

“Some of the same conservatives who (correctly, in my view) made the case for $700 billion for Wall Street pitched a fit over $14 billion in loans for the automakers.”

Supported the Auto Bailout:

“The bill would have allowed President Bush to name a car czar, who could have begun to force concessions from all sides. It also would have averted for now a collapse of the auto industry, and shifted difficult decisions to the Obama administration.”

Thinks Republicans should stand down on corporate tax hikes:

“Republicans are making a mistake if they focus on big businesses and corporate tax rates… Corporations have a ton of cash. The corporate tax rate is not killing big business in America.”

Praises Medicare Part D:

“The Republican-passed Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit is working well and coming in under cost.”


And that’s only part of it. Go check out the whole thing.Then go to and call your congressman to oppose John Boehner’s plan.


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