The Paul Ryan Factor: Barack Obama Campaign Subtly Admits Wisconsin is in Play

Barack Obama suddenly feels the need to go to Wisconsin to campaign. But look how subtly they are admitting the state is in play. If you go to and look on the front page you will find no mention of it.


To find it, you have to go here. It’s very subtle and under the radar and it might not have made as much news in the Obama-media had not Peter Hamby of CNN tweeted out a link pointing it out.

The Associated Press picked it up at the same time and did a story time stamped at the same moment Peter tweeted. The AP story is a repackaging of the information on Barack Obama’s donation page while Peter got it out first hand with a direct link to the webpage making all the news. Lots of my friends, and I do mean people who are actual friends of mine, are piling on Peter Hamby for tweeting out a link to the donation page.

He broke a story in 140 characters on twitter at the exact same time the Associated Press was putting up the exact same information on their own site. In all the angst over Peter doing his job, let’s go back to what he tweeted:


Pay attention to the first four words. Yes, we’ve all known it for a while and now the President is having to recognize it too. Wisconsin is now in play. There’s the story. The only way to get it first hand is to actually go follow the link to the donation page.


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