Democrats find new and exciting way to keep people from watching their debates!

AP_885069566303The next Democratic ‘debate’ is scheduled for December 19th in New Hampshire, and the Democrats are of course desperate to have nobody watch it. And they’ve hit on a genuinely novel method for more keeping people away, too. Basically: WMUR, which was the co-sponsor of the debate, is having a labor dispute with Democratic crony the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). It’s not even at the point of a strike yet, but IBEW – amazingly enough! – is threatening a picket line, so of course the Democrats have removed WMUR from the debate at the last second.


What does it mean as a practical matter?  Essentially, the whole thing’s now going to be run by ABC.  No local questions, no local questioners, no local issues.  A nice, bland, utterly unmemorable debate that will do nothing to harm Hillary Clinton, in other words – and, because it’s all Because! Of! Solidarity! those crypto-Commies in Bernie Sanders can’t make a single complaint about it.  I have to admit; this is a slick strategy to take.

…Assuming, of course, that you take the position that hiding from your own primary voters is a viable campaign tactic.  I don’t think that is, myself; but apparently we’re going to actively test to see whether I’m right to do so.  Which at least means that there’s something interesting about the Democratic Presidential primary.  God knows that none of the candidates are.

Moe Lane


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