Hillary Clinton plays to a sold out crowd

Hillary Clinton speaks about her plan to fight for the interests of women and families at the "Women for Hillary" grassroots organizing meeting at the Athenaeum in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015. Yi-Ke Peng/WOUB
Hillary Clinton speaks about her plan to fight for the interests of women and families at the "Women for Hillary" grassroots organizing meeting at the Athenaeum in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015. Yi-Ke Peng/WOUB
Hillary Clinton speaks about her plan to fight for the interests of women and families at the “Women for Hillary” grassroots organizing meeting at the Athenaeum in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015. Yi-Ke Peng/WOUB

The picture above is what the media wants you to believe a Hillary event looks like. A portly, wrinkled grandmother with a gray pantsuit demurely covering flabby cankles in front of an adoring crowd, dispensing the wisdom of the ages. The truth is a lot less photogenic as these two reporters, who have probably been tossed out of the political reporter’s union by now, show.

A producer for Fox also captured the scene.

Keep in mind this was less than two miles from the Ohio State University campus and even the feminists and SJWs there couldn’t be bothered to attend. A real front runner doesn’t play to a nearly empty auditorium.


Right now you have to figure that Hillary is the statistical favorite to win the Democrat nomination. But her support is cratering. She has lost a third of her support among Democrats since April and Republicans and Independents loathe her. What has looked like a coronation followed by a fat and sleek (well, she’ll still be that) Hillary entering the general election with a unified party is looking more like a series of embarrassing losses or close victories followed by a harried Hillary leading a dispirited Democrat party.


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