Judge Who Worships at the Altar of Leftism Releases Shooting Suspect, Claiming He Poses No Threat

Undated photo of Judge Lloyd U. Nolan Jr. from Judge Nolan's now private Facebook profile page. (Credit Judge Lloyd U. Nolan Jr. via Facebook)

An 18-year-old man who is suspected of opening fire on a vehicle packed with people in Washington D.C. was released on bond last Friday by a District of Columbia Superior Court magistrate judge, citing that he was not a threat to the public. Judge Lloyd U. Nolan, Jr. ordered that 18-year-old Amonte Moody be released from custody before his trial, even though Moody is suspected of firing over 25 rounds from a semiautomatic rifle at a car with four victims in it. 


Nolan ordered Moody to be released under house arrest, with an ankle monitor to be worn at all times, even though Moody was allegedly captured on video surveillance running into a street with a rifle and opening fire several times at a vehicle off camera, then sprinting back to a house to hide. He was charged with endangerment with a firearm, possession of a firearm, and assault, which are all felonies. However, the seriousness of the crimes did not sway the judge, as he agreed with Moody's defense team and their arguments that Moody had no prior criminal history and had a family support system already in place. 

Nolan is yet another activist judge on the left who subscribes to the radical leftist ideology that is permeating its way throughout the criminal justice system by attorneys, judges, district attorneys, and attorneys general alike.  Nolan Jr.'s social media presence (since made private) showed that he was a strong supporter and had made donations to the Gideon Promise. The Gideon Promise is a group started in 2007 by allies and supporters of George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. The foundation provides continuing funding for education and training for public defenders, as well as law school students, in criminal justice reform. Gideon’s Promise website states, "We envision a nation where every person has access to zealous, outstanding legal representation necessary to ensure ‘equal justice for all’ in the criminal justice arena." 


Judge Nolan's now private social media showcased a man who is deeply motivated and convinced of the far-left ideology perpetuated by the likes of George Soros and other leftists and supports radically changing the landscape of the criminal justice system to reflect these views. 

Given the circumstances of the alleged crimes, it should be clear to any rational human that the suspect, while presumed innocent, should not be released in any capacity before his trial. In response to Judge Nolan's decision, prosecutors have requested an emergency hearing on May 22nd to discuss the decision and seek its reversal. 

"The government presented evidence establishing probable cause that the defendant fired an AR-15 weapon approximately 26 times at a car driving away on a public street in the 1700 block of Independence Ave SE then dissembled the firearm and hid it away in a ceiling," the prosecutors wrote. 

"Despite the egregiousness of this conduct, the strength of the case, including video evidence depicting it and two identifications of the defendant as the shooter, and the statutory presumption in favor of detention pending trial, the Magistrate Judge released the defendant."

It continues to baffle those Americans who believe in consequences for one's actions. It perplexes most of us when, given the known evidence in a particular case, one would ever be granted release before their trial. In cases such as these, when the District Attorney's office presents significant amounts of damning and critical evidence that strongly suggests guilt, it makes no sense to anyone that the suspect can be released. Furthermore, it makes even less sense to then release the suspect and at the same time say that he does not pose a threat to public safety. Moody is suspected of standing in the middle of a public street in a neighborhood with a semiautomatic rifle and opening fire on a moving vehicle. With at least 25 rounds being fired while walking and sometimes skipping backward, that fire is far from accurate. How many other people did he put in danger with his actions? He is not being accused of firing a single round at one person, not that that makes it any better, but opening fire on several people with several rounds fired. 


The altar of leftist criminal justice and its ideals is putting more people in danger and fewer people behind bars where they belong. The more that judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys treat people who are suspected of committing very serious and violent crimes as if they are victims of a callous society and should be coddled, the more that private citizens are going to take the law into their own hands.  Because as far as the victims are concerned, they are not being treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve and they feel as if the suspects and even the convicted criminals are being catered to over the victims.  We can discuss reforming our criminal justice system -- I think it needs reform -- but not like this. 


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