MSNBC Host Shares Her Beyoncé Abortion Fantasy

On MSNBC’s “The Melissa Harris-Perry Show”, the host of the eponymous program shared her “imaginings” this week about what signs pop diva Beyoncé could have danced in front of at last week’s MTV Video Music Awards.


During the show, the singer performed in front of a huge sign that read “Feminist”. For Melissa Harris-Perry, that was simply not progressive enough.

“So I have been having these imaginings where instead of behind her are these enormous letters that say ‘feminist,’ that she’d come out and it had said, ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’, or it’d said ‘birth control’ … I mean, yes, ‘abortion’ behind Beyoncé. I mean, then she would never sell any more records, but I do wonder if it could have been even more political. Like, beyond the ‘F’ word.”

Perry’s panel excitedly gushed about the notion, chattering and praising the idea with affirmations. Because nothing says empowerment like twerking for infanticide.

A pathetic panel nattering nonsensically about progressive prattle is nothing new for Perry’s show, though. She is a virtual treasure trove of idiocy and a clearinghouse for all things moronic from what passes for the intellectual left in America. From tampon earrings to mocking Romney’s grandson, Melissa Harris-Perry’s show is the place for buffoonish, boiler-plate liberal lunacy in America.

(h/t Newsbusters)


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