Let's Support Good TV in 2018

There’s not a lot of television for conservatives to enjoy that actually reflects our values. There’s the odd show that we can enjoy because it doesn’t show any particular worldview or it’s not so left wing that we can’t get past it or, rarely, there’s a show so good that we can just ignore a truly lefty show. So, when a show comes along that is good and reflects our worldview, we need to support it. We need to be heard so Hollywood produces more of this kind of content. They love a lefty cause, but they love money even more.


I recently wrote about five shows that we can count on not to suck, and it’s a short list. At the top of that list was NBC’s The Brave. Who wouldn’t want to watch a show wherein American men and women go around the world kicking bad-guy ass? OK, what conservative wouldn’t want to watch a show wherein American men and women go around the world kicking bad-guy ass? Exactly. So, are you watching it?

There are good guys and there are bad guys, and the good guys are American. That’s not to say it’s oversimplified or twee. It’s just not afraid to be pro-American which, unfortunately, is unusual in 2018.

We’re happy to complain when left-wing art is offensive or just generally terrible and to say there’s nothing good for us. So, in 2018, resolve to support the good stuff.


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