Great News in Colorado for Ken Buck

Ken Buck came out of the Republican Assembly this weekend with 77% of the grassroots’ vote. That’s phenomenal. Today, the news gets even better.Tom Wiens, who had been running in third place in the Senate race, has decided to drop out of the U.S. Senate primary and endorse Ken Buck.


Having campaigned with all the candidates over the last many months, I have seen that Ken Buck is prepared to do a great job as U.S. Senator. These are serious times, and we must send serious, capable people to reclaim our children’s future from Washington. Ken Buck has the ability to grasp and act upon the challenges facing Colorado and our country. This is not a time to send anyone to Washington who is not fully prepared to do the job. The reason we have Republican primaries is to determine the future of the party. Part of what this primary has been about is whether or not we want the same Republican Party we have had for the last several years, or whether we want to take it in a new direction. I look forward to helping Ken Buck be elected to the United States Senate and to working with him to reform the Republican Party.

This is terrific news for Ken Buck as his campaign keeps building momentum.


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