The Single Biggest Thing You Can Do to Clean Up the GOP

If you have not heard, the National Republican Senatorial Committee has attacked nationally syndicated conservative radio host and best selling author Mark Levin.They publicly attacked Mark Levin because the Jim DeMint created Senate Conservatives Fund (“SCF”) gives out copies of Mark Levin’s book. The NRSC alleges a quid pro quo relationship to help drive up the popularity of Levin’s book. The book was published in 2009 before SCF was a significant force and had already become a best seller before SCF gave out copies.This attack follows the National Republican Senatorial Committee (“NRSC”) attacking conservative businesses and threatening to drive them from business because they happen to do business with the Senate Conservatives Fund. The NRSC’s tactics mirror the harassment the IRS inflicted on tea party groups.Those attacks came after US News and World Report columnist Brian Walsh leveled attacks on conservative groups, including the Senate Conservatives Fund, for daring to hold Republicans accountable for their promises. Subsequent to that column US News and World Report had to admit Brian Walsh is on the payroll of the NRSC.The Chamber of Commerce, the Main Street Partnership, the NRSC, and lobbyists galore in Washington are coordinating attacks on conservative groups and conservative candidates for daring to champion limited government and hold the GOP accountable for breaking promises. These groups have no interest in supporting limited government and free markets. They support their government and their markets with your tax dollars.The GOP in Washington has decided that the problem is not government, but Democrats in charge of government. And they’ve decided to punish any conservative who points out government itself is the problem. Conservative groups are attacked by Republican leaders. Conservative candidates are attacked by Republican leaders. Conservative talk radio hosts are attacked by Republican leaders.The single biggest thing you can do to clean up the GOP is to defeat Mitch McConnell in Kentucky by supporting Matt Bevin. The NRSC attacks all came after the Senate Conservatives Fund decided to support Bevin. The attacks on Mark Levin came after he spoke kindly of Matt Bevin. The attacks on conservative candidates came after Matt Bevin became a credible candidate.All these attacks came because Mitch McConnell would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven. He would rather a Senate GOP minority with himself in charge than a Senate GOP majority with himself retired.You beat Mitch McConnell, you will find many Republican squishes with squishy soiled underwear. Until you beat Mitch McConnell, these guys in Washington will neither respect you nor fear you. But when you beat the sitting Senate Republican Leader in a primary, suddenly Washington knows the grassroots are in charge. The attacks on conservatives will only get worse until conservatives beat Mitch McConnell.And we have our chance with Matt Bevin.



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