The Band of Mothers Needs Your Help Supporting Our Troops Tonight & Tomorrow in DC

Many people are aware of the Band of Mothers and the exemplary work they do on behalf of our troops. In sum, they are, first and foremost, mothers. They are also mothers who happen to be activists with an easy-to-understand mission: To support America’s warriors. The Band of Mothers conducts postcard campaigns, they write letters, they rally, and they show up in support of our troops when our troops are being attacked by anti-military goons like Code Pink, ANSWER, SDS, and IVAW.


[To read some of the antics of the professional anti-military goons, read here and here.]

This weekend, the Band of Mothers will be in Washington, DC supporting our Wounded Warriors at Walter Reed (tonight, from 6:45 to 9:30 pm) and our troops at Freedom Plaza (Saturday).

While details are below the fold, the professional anti-military protesters are expected to be out demonstrating against our troops. If you are in the area, please take some time to show your support for our troops (and bring a camera).


WHERE: Main gates of Walter Reed, Georgia Avenue and Elder Street, NW. Plenty of street parking and also park in the lot. Entrance off Elder Street.

WHEN: Friday, 6:45 PM to around 9:30PM when we cheer a bus load of Wounded Warriors and their families coming back from their weekly dinner. The dinner is sponsored by The Aleethia Foundation, founded by a wounded Vietnam Vet. They could also use some donations.

The DC Chapter of FReeRepublic will have flags, banners, posters, snacks and drinks.


ANSWER, Code Pink, IVAW, and others of their ilk are still protesting against our troops. We need to continue supporting our troops and defending their honor. We need to be a voice for them. Our soldiers still need the support we gave them in March, 2007 during the first Gathering of Eagles.

WHERE: Washington, DC — We have permitted FREEDOM PLAZA (Main gathering point) at 14th and E Streets, NW. Blue and Orange FEDERAL TRIANGLE Metro Station is closes station

DATE: Saturday, March 19,2011

WHEN: Gather at 10AM at Freedom Plaza, then at 11AM we will go to Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House till we are no longer needed to support our troops.

The DC Chapter of FReeRepublic will have the Walter Reed MOAB, flags, banners, and posters. At FReedom Plaza we will also have snacks and drinks.

The moonbats will be gathering at Lafayette Park at noon and will protest in front of the White House after their speeches damning and disparaging our brave troops.


Your attendance in support of our troops is important, and appreciated!


“I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.” Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776


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