Freedom From Religion Foundation: America's Islamic State

The Islamic State, when not torturing and murdering its neighbors, has been destroying religious monuments and artifacts, particularly focusing on artifacts of Baal worship, and other pre-Islamic architecture.


Sounds crazy right? But here at home we’ve got the Freedom From Religion Foundation, seeking to destroy all religious monuments it deems heretical. And nobody seems ready to stop them.


It’s not that they want equality of all views. They mourn the booing of a ‘humanist’ and celebrate the “Freethought” ideology, even as they oppose Christian prayer, protest the Pope, and seek to tear down paintings, websites, and sculptures.

Tell me the difference between the IS and FFRF on this? You can’t, because there isn’t one. Both are anti-cultural organizations, representing a fringe that seeks to tear down anything that offends their ideologies.

Obama’s too busy arming IS’s allies, leaving it to Russia to stop them. So maybe someone here at home can at least stand up to FFRF, and start telling them to fly a kite now and then.

Photo by Angela Orlando on Flickr


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