Kirsten Gillibrand Doesn't Seem To Know How The Executive Branch Works

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand — a likely 2020 Democratic hopeful challenger of Donald Trump — has a new outrage with President Trump over his interviewing the permanent replacement pick for the Manhattan U.S. attorney, Geoffrey Berman.


She first tweeted: “I am deeply troubled by the reports that President Trump personally interviewed Geoffrey Berman to permanently fill the post of Manhattan U.S. attorney, and find it disqualifying, considering the potential conflicts of interest on matters that could affect the president himself.”

The concern is fair enough. Donald Trump resided in and has a long history with the U.S. attorney’s office in New York’s Southern District. Democrats

Democrats whinged long over Trump’s firing of Manhattan’s previous U.S. attorney, Preet Bahara, but even Bahara conceded it was perfectly within the President’s power to do so. Which makes Gillibrand’s follow-up tweet downright astonishing in its ignorance.

“U.S. attorneys should work for the people they serve and be independent from the executive branch—that is a cornerstone of our democracy.”


Um, wut?

U.S. attorneys aren’t elected by voters, Senator.

Apparently, Gillibrand doesn’t know U.S. attorneys are part of the Executive branch of the United States government. As such, while it’s not typical, the President has the right to interview anyone being selected to fill a U.S. attorney position.

Does it potentially look bad for Trump? Yes. But, any president has the right to personally interview any of his hires.  It makes perfect sense for Trump and any other president to personally interview certain picks for key districts.

One would hope Gillibrand knows better if she wants to ascend to the presidency.


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