Homophobic Media Criticizes Donald Trump For Allowing Gay Former Congressman Into Rally (VIDEO)

Yesterday the buzz was all about the father of the terrorist who shot up an Orlando nightclub that catered to homosexuals being seated, supposedly in the “diversity section”, directly behind Hillary Clinton at a Florida campaign rally. Afterwards, he announced that he was endorsing Hillary Clinton. As he is an actual Taliban apologist, it seemed unremarkable that he’d endorse a liberal Democrat.


But the left, being what they are, had to counterattack using their favorite: the tu quoque fallacy.

And there were more, but these suffice for sake of example: Talking Points Memo: Disgraced Ex-Rep Mark Foley Spotted Right Behind Trump At Florida Rally Sun Sentinel: Trump has potentially embarrassing supporter — Mark Foley — behind him at Sunrise rally Mark Foley is the same as Omar Mateen’s father? Really? How does that work? And why is Foley “disgraced?” Because he’s a gay man who engaged with sexually charged instant messaging with a few teenage boys? As far as his sexual encounters went, the men were all above the age of consent, the age difference was less than that between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, and, unlike that sordid affair, Foley was not the employer of his sexual partners. How, in this day and age, does this qualify as “disgraced?” If Mark Foley had been a Democrat he would have been on the cover of TIME magazine as Man of the Year. If his name had been Gerry Studds (that is actually his real name, not his porn star name) he would have been re-elected to Congress several times despite having sex with at least one underage male House page. If he’d been running a homosexual escort service out of his home he’d be a hero. Adding to the bizarre nature of this particular hit on Trump is the fact that Trump and Foley are long time friends and Trump was a significant donor to Foley’s various campaigns:


These two things are not alike and the only reason they are being conflated is because Mark Foley is a gay Republican and because the left thrives on identity politics there will forever be a double standard for behavior.

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