Matthews Pines for Executions and Nationalization

Via Newsbusters and Hot Air … Never let a crisis go to waste:

You know, I have a suspicion I’ll go back to it again. I don’t think they’re doing their best. I don’t think the government is doing its best. Why doesn’t the President go in there, nationalize an industry and get the job done for the people? There’s a national interest in this, not just a BP interest. We’re letting BP fix a national problem.


In China, it’s a more brutal society, a more brutal society, Kate, but they execute people for this. Major industrial leaders that commit crimes like this. Failure like this. This is a serious, serious problem. It is not over. It continues to destroy a part of our planet basically. Part of our habitat, our American habitat. And everybody just sits and watches television every night. “And so that’s interesting.” And you see guys are still drawing their paychecks, still making their profits. The oil industry has been ballooning in profits this year and nobody is doing anything about it except – what are we Vatican observers now? We just watch? It is maddening that our government is – Everybody says “Capitalism is great. Unbridled free enterprise is great.” Look at it! This is great, isn’t it?!


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