RFS Mandate Expansion Gets Big Name Conservative Opposition

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I already told you about Reps. Pete Olson & Joe Barton’s big government grab for expanding the RFS Mandate to have ethanol requirements for natural gas. Well there’s a hearing on it today and the opposition is getting vocal.


To Members of the United States Congress:

The undersigned organizations urge you to oppose H.R. 1959, the Domestic Alternative Fuels Act of 2013. The bill would allow ethanol derived from natural gas to count toward the mandatory blending targets established by the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and the EPA’s implementing regulations.

We commend Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX) and his co-sponsors for seeking to break the corn lobby’s legal monopoly on a significant and growing share of the U.S. motor fuel market. However, the solution is not to make the RFS more inclusive, so that more special interests profit at consumer expense, but to dismantle the program.

The RFS has produced severe unintended (although far from unpredictable) consequences, including higher food prices, more pain at the gas pump, and a rapidly approaching “blend wall” that could dramatically increase fuel-price volatility.

Read the full letter here.


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