Stanford University Professor Fingers a Familiar Foe at the Heart of Anti-Masking

What’s causing mask resistance?

A professor at Stanford University has an idea.

As you know, there’s been a fight over forced school masking.

Earlier this month, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed an order allowing “parents to opt their children out of a…mandate if either a school board or health board enacts one…”


Just before, conservative podcaster Matt Walsh protested at a Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools board meeting:

Country star Carrie Underwood “liked” that tweet, setting off a storm of denouncement.

Back in May, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued Executive Order 36, prohibiting school mask mandates.

Dallas and Bexar districts vowed they’d defy it, but the Texas Supreme Court sided with Greg.

Meanwhile, one teacher was absolutely distraught:

On the 22nd, MSNBC ran “The Next COVID War…Far-Right Extremists, Anti-Maskers and Now Parents Are Fueling a Rising Pattern of Violence Against Educators.

The provided proof of a “trend,” via the link:

[A] male parent verbally assaulted [a California school’s] principal when his daughter walked out of a school building wearing a mask. When a male teacher stepped in, the situation escalated and a physical altercation happened, resulting in injuries. The teacher was treated at the hospital and released Wednesday night.


Amid the massive mess, Stanford’s Hakeem has identified the evil behind not wanting kids constantly covered.

On the 17th, Hakeem slam-tweeted the “crazy opposition to mask wearing.”

He noted it’s “leading folks to act violently at school board meetings and council meeting and everywhere else.”

The professor also offered a translation:

folks = white people

With emphasis:

“[Y]eah, you can’t disconnect it from whiteness.”

If whiteness is activating the aversion, what might be the mechanics?

He reverse-engineered it:

“Ain’t like masks are comfortable for non-white people. But you don’t see a bunch of Black folks storming meetings. And it’s not just cause these white folks are GOP. It’s cause they’re white, & believe whiteness confers upon them a kind of power that places them above [government] action.”


As noted by Campus Reform, the instructor also linked Caucasian calamity to chaos at the Capitol:

“It’s like my reaction to January 6. You don’t have to be an expert in identity to know that whiteness is driving the behavior. The crowds are [overwhelmingly] white. You think this just randomly happened?”

“Nah,” he added, “whiteness be working overtime.”

In conclusion:

“Like we say in the south, the devil is busy!”

The professor’s certainly not alone in his position toward the pale.

Cases in point:

University Professor on ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ Panel Announces She Keeps Away From White People

More Than 160 Minnesota Principals Plot to ‘De-Center Whiteness’

School District Hosts Year-Long Anti-Whiteness Training to Fight ‘Curricular Violence’ in Math

BIPOC Teacher Life: Study Decries School System’s ‘Smog of Cultural Racism’ and ‘Impenetrable Wall of Whiteness’


White Woman Who Lectures on Racism Says All White People Should Shut Up

While whiteness fights mask mandates, could it also be instating them?

Isn’t whiteness in control?

If so, the pigmented power will be even more difficult to defeat.

As an assist — elsewhere online — Hakeem deconstructed Satan:

“Whiteness as a construct is not merely about skin color, although those who think of themselves as white are most susceptible to its attractions. When I invoke the language of whiteness, I am interested in whiteness as an ideological force (connected to skin color for sure!), but an ideology that is powerful, in part, because of buy-in from those on the peripheries of whiteness. There have been, throughout the course of American history, people who don’t fit neatly into the category we consider white who have locked arms with those who are committed to the ideology of whiteness. That fact does not undermine the argument that whiteness is a [heck] of a drug that explains events like the January 6 insurrection. To the contrary, it reminds us of how [flipping] powerful whiteness is. It’s so powerful, it is attractive to those it so often oppresses.”

A great scourge, indeed.

The mask wars continue.

So does the fragmenting of America.

The hardest thing about the devil…is that we can’t all agree on who he is.




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Find all my RedState work here.

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