Dog Escapes His Hotel, Makes an Hour-and-a-Half Trek Home to Ring His Doorbell

(AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)

Have you ever wanted to escape your vacation? That was the evident desire of a dog in Kansas recently.

As reported by Inside Edition, Lenexa, Kansas residents Jeremy and Sarah Hensen dreamed up a five-day his-and-her week in Las Vegas.


But their planning would involve more than accommodations for themselves — the pair have a dog, Dexter.

The mutt wouldn’t be able to make the trip to Nevada, so the couple lined up a doggy daycare getaway. Dexter would be living it up some two miles from the family’s home.

Jeremy and Sarah jetted to their destination, and everything was fine until day three. By then, apparently, Dexter had come down with a case of homesickness.

And the Hensens’ dog is no dummy. As Jeremy told Inside Edition, “He’s very smart, and that intelligence can get him into trouble sometime.”

Intelligent, indeed: The canine’s craftiness allowed him to escape his hotel. According to Jeremy, Dexter would’ve had to scale a six-foot fence in order to make it out.

From there, the pet attempted his return from vacation. Inside Edition outlined his route:

To find his way home, Dexter had to make a right out of the kennel, and up to busy 87th street, where he made a left. Then he made a right on Rose Hill and into the residential neighborhood. Ninety minutes…later, the lonesome Dexter made it…


What happened next involved a dog and a bell, and not in the Pavlovian kind of way.

Jeremy and Sarah Hensen were relaxing in Las Vegas when they received a Ring notification that someone was pressing their doorbell.

They went online to find that it wasn’t Jehovah’s Witnesses. Nor was it the Girl Scouts or Avon calling. Rather, at their door and ringing was a four-legged family member. The pooch was on the porch and ready to be let in.

The whole thing was caught on video.

Jeremy and Sarah talked to Dexter over the intercom while they contacted the kennel. Someone from the daycare came to pick him up. Unfortunately, Dexter would have to spend two more days on vacation.

Inside Edition asked Jeremy if he was surprised by what his dog had done.

“Honestly, no,” he said.

Dogs do the darnedest things, and Dexter isn’t the only one to have mastered the ringing of a bell:

Nor is he the only dong to come home at night and chime in:

At least one dog uses a doorbell to get out:


Still, a 90-minute, multiple-turn trip home after an escape from assisted living…punctuated by a doorbell ding…is something special.

Good dog, Dexter.



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