WATCH: Nancy Mace Goes Viral Talking About Her Sex Life at Tim Scott's Prayer Breakfast

AP Photo/Mic Smith

Rep. Nancy Mace is certainly an interesting figure. She’s also someone who’s hard to figure out. On any given day, she might spew conservative fire during a hearing, or she might defend abortion as a constitutional right.


Her unpredictability was on display on Thursday morning, and she’s now going viral over it.

While appearing at an event hosted by Sen. Tim Scott, her fellow South Carolinian, Mace decided to talk about sex, and she didn’t do so as a general topic. Instead, she took the podium to inform the crowd that she withheld sex from her fiance to make it on time….the prayer breakfast.

I’ve obtained this exclusive footage of a person who was in the room at the time.

I’ll admit, my first reaction was to laugh. Her comment was so absurd that it’s genuinely comical. She’s speaking at a Christian prayer breakfast, and she thought that was a good time to plug her unmarried sex life with her soon-to-be third husband. I mean, come on, that’s so cringe that it’s downright funny.


I understand that Mace is not very religious, as evidenced by some of her political views. To take this incident too seriously would be a waste of energy. She’s going to do what she wants to do, and no one outside of those in her personal circle, including her pastor, can really speak to that effectively. Going apoplectic online would be pointless.

With that said, my existence on this site revolves around offering some commentary, and as a political matter, it would be nice if Republicans showed more respect for their voters. When you appear at a prayer breakfast, you are dealing with people who showed up because they take Christianity and their relationship with Jesus Christ seriously. Further, they actually believe what the Bible says and seek to live their lives in light of it.

In that context, I’d suggest all Republicans try to read the room a bit better. In doing so, it at least shows their voters that they understand their beliefs and value them, even if they don’t personally subscribe to them (either theologically or practically).


And to be sure, that’s hardly a critique unique to Mace. When I look at Washington Republicans, I see a sea of people who pander and rely on Christian voters while obviously not respecting them and their faith. Christians are just a voting bloc to keep them in power, and once they are in office, that voting bloc is neglected again until the next election.

Regardless, I wouldn’t take this too seriously. I see a lot of people raking her over the coals on social media, but what’s that going to accomplish? Heck, it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s just truly ignorant of the relevant Christian teachings on the topic of sex.


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