AP Pens All-Time 'Conservatives Pounce' Story About Claudine Gay, Hilariousy Redefines 'Scalping'

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein, File

To say the far-left responses to Claudine Gay's ouster at Harvard (as president, she still gets her fat salary and tenure) have been overwrought is an understatement. I'll even admit to being the slightest bit surprised at how quickly and vehemently the wagons have been circled. 


(See: The Responses to Claudine Gay's Resignation Are as Insane, Conspiratorial, and Racist as You'd Expect)

I mean, we are talking about a person who was a prolific plagiarist and who lifted entire paragraphs multiple times in her professional writings. How is that logically defensible? It's not, but logic need not apply when you're dealing with the secular religion that is intersectionality. According to its adherents, everything is racist, and I mean every single thing. 

But if anyone expected the mainstream press to act with a bit more integrity, your expectations were not met. Enter the Associated Press with perhaps the worst "conservatives pounce" headline I've ever seen, and it even included a hilarious redefinition of what "scalping" was historically.

You see, it wasn't that Gay broke long-standing academic rules, both technically and ethically. It was that those dastardly conservatives weaponized plagiarism against her by forcing her to commit gross acts of plagiarism decades ago. How did they do that? I have no idea. Perhaps a time machine was involved, but rest assured, the problem isn't that Gay did what she did, it's that conservatives dared to notice. 

When it comes to any Democrat, the story is never the story. It's also the conservative response to the story that makes headlines, so much so that "Republicans pounce" has become a meme at this point. The Associated Press either doesn't realize how ridiculous it looks, or it doesn't care. 


It gets better, though. In the body of the article is a claim about where scalping originated. Did you know it was actually "white colonists" who used scalping to try to eradicate Native Americans? 

I had to double-take while reading that paragraph. I understand that the left-wing intellectual base of the country will redefine just about anything to force it to fit their intersectional dogma, but come on. Scalping was invented by Native Americans and was used as a tool against white colonists. That's not to say that some European colonists didn't pick up on the practice (most infamously through scalp bounties), but to pretend its primary connection isn't to Native American tribes is laughable. 

You quite literally can't make this stuff up. The left can not be parodied. Whatever you thought was just a caricature is actually who they are.


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