PolitiFact Reaches Peak Ridiculous With Latest Shark Jumping Fact Check

PolitiFact collectively asked the internet to hold its beer as it took it upon itself to fact check a photoshopped image based off of one of the most viral photos of 2018.


But first, some context.

As many of you well know, former VP Joe Biden has come under fire for his incredibly creepy behavior around women over the years. Numerous photos of the 2020 hopeful show him standing behind women, leaning in uncomfortably close with his face either in their neck or their cheek.

Naturally, the internet began having a field day with this as photos of Biden in random situations began popping up in various parts of the web.

New York Magazine chronicled a few of them, but one photo in particular that made the rounds apparently caught the eye of PolitiFact, who sprang into action.

The photo was part of the video released by Benny Johnson that showed Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) smiling and straightening his tie as a feminist raged behind him. A Facebook group called “Make America Great – Trump 2020” posted a photoshopped job of the famous photo with Biden leaning in close to the feminist.


PolitiFact, being the crack team of truth-seekers they are, immediately launched into action and deemed the photo as a “pants-0n-fire” level lie.

The internet’s denizens rated this fact check as funnier than the actual meme.


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