
Let's Apply Some Logic to the Democrats' January 6 Story

As I write this, I’m staring at the Twitter trending list where the hashtag “#TuckerCarlsonIsALiar” is sitting in third place. Like millions of you, I’ve been watching the January 6 footage he’s been releasing that debunks a lot of the claims the Democrat Party and their Republican Igors have been feeding the American public.

The narrative being debunked is what Democrats have been pushing relentlessly since that day occurred; that there was an attempted insurrection by Trump supporters on the U.S. capitol. The day was, according to them, incredibly violent which resulted in the deaths of five people. Among these claims were others that had nothing to do with the insurrection such as “Josh Hawley fled from the insurrectionists like a coward after encouraging them.”

Yet, as RedState has been covering, the hashtagged Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been releasing the footage that disproves the idea that this was ever an insurrection. Moreover, even some of the major players in this “insurrection,” such as the “QAnon Shaman” are shown in the footage to have been escorted around by Capitol Police, and even led a group prayer thanking the police for letting them in.

Yet, like a dog that found something it really likes, Democrats have a grip on their narrative and they will not let go of it no matter how much you tell them to spit it out. Their supporters always go back to the footage that happened outside the Capitol that day to prove that it was an attempted violent takeover.

That aggression and violence did occur on the steps of the capitol aren’t what people are arguing against. It did happen. We can see it with our own eyes. What people are arguing against is the idea that this mob was ever a threat to the nation, moreover that the ones that did get inside the Capitol were half as violent as the always-dramatic Democrats claimed they are.

I mean, if the people outside the Capitol consist of a dangerous insurrection then why are the Antifa rioters outside the White House not being held to the same standard? Trump had to temporarily be moved to a bunker for his safety at that time. It’s a question that’s never been answered by Democrats because answering it would give the game away.

Moreover, for being a revolutionary coup, the events at the Capitol were the weakest attempt at an insurrection the world has ever seen. Not only did these people not have any weapons beyond flags and cameras, but most people who wound up inside did absolutely nothing besides chant slogans, walk the halls, and take photos of themselves inside Nancy Pelosi’s office. It’s hard to take the “insurrection” narrative seriously when most of these “revolutionary coup-attempting radicals” were simply doin’ it for the Gram.

Were windows broken and stuff stolen? Yeah, but no one’s arguing that. It’s just hard to believe that the people who ended up making out with Capitol memorabilia were the dangerous radicals they’re painted as. Especially when they’re looking like a character from Disney’s “Frozen.”

But for many people, it was hard to take the January 6 proceedings that came after seriously because many people saw exactly what I’m describing now. They didn’t see an insurrection, they saw a bunch of pissed-off people who marched into the Capitol, caused a little ruckus, and left. No one died except for one unarmed woman whom the committees will hardly acknowledge because doing so would throw a lot of the “good guy” status of the Democrats into question.

The January 6 tapes that Tucker Carlson is releasing are definitely shedding light on some of the questions hanging in the air and are adding context to certain situations that weren’t there before…but if we’re being honest, what Carlson is really doing is just proving what much of America already knew.

It proves the Democrats and their Republican thralls have been lying about quite a few things. It proves that the major players the Democrats have locked up without trial are actually not as guilty as they tried to make them out to be. It proves that the witness testimonies were bogus. It proves that the murders they say took place didn’t actually take place. It proves that this violent insurrection wasn’t a violent insurrection at all.

We knew all of this because the logic was right there in front of us before these tapes were even released. It was the people who truly wanted to believe this was the insurrection the Democrats said it was that are dismissing basic reality in order to bitterly cling to their precious narrative.

But even if we didn’t have any of that, one simple fact sends the Democrat’s claims into non-believability: They were hiding thousands of hours of footage from the public and being very selective about what they did release. Meanwhile, Republicans are releasing the entirety of the footage to the most-watched cable news program in America. All of it.

That fact alone makes the Democrat’s narrative suspect to the point of being dismissable.


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