
What's the Deal With the Left's Obsession With Sex?

AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

Sex is pretty much on the mind of the leftist 24 hours a day, or at least, that’s what they make it seem like. No matter what the subject, the attitude, or the event, a leftist will find a way to inject sex or sexuality into it.

Take, for instance, this really bizarre moment from the New York Times in relation to the recent The Little Mermaid live-action reboot. As reported by Bob Hoge on Monday, an NYT review of Disney’s latest soulless cash grab complained that the film didn’t contain enough “kink”:

Proving once again that they are obsessed with dragging children into discussions about sex and sexual identity, the paper decided to take on the new Disney live adaptation of their animated hit, “The Little Mermaid.” While reviews of the movie have been mixed, it’s dominating at the box office over Memorial Day weekend. There’s one review you probably didn’t expect, however—one in which the writer argues that the children’s movie needed a little more “kink,” because that’s what’s really lacking today in kids’ entertainment apparently.

“Joy, fun, mystery, risk, flavor, kink — they’re missing,” writes the reviewer.

This is just one of many moments where sex popped up in conversation where it didn’t belong recently. Not only are graphic depictions of sex appearing in books in children’s school libraries, but we’re about to enter “Pride Month,” where the perverts on the fringe will get to display their sex habits on the streets in front of everyone.

It isn’t just a disgusting habit of the left’s, it’s an annoying one as well. Very little passes through our mainstream culture without the left lamenting the lack of sex or kink between the characters.

So why the obsession?

I’m not sure it’s any one thing, but rather an amalgamation of problems that form the basis of the left’s obsession with the no-pants dance.

Starting with the obvious, sex has become something of a socio-political act. Dating all the way back to the 1960s during the sexual revolution, having sex isn’t just a consummation of love and passion, it’s now an expression of independence and empowerment, especially for women. Moreover, having sex makes you just like every other modern person doing it. Abstaining makes you a weird outlier. Hooking up with a stranger is something you’re supposed to do. Not only does it make you just like folks, but it also celebrates your self-empowerment.

This can lead to hyper-political opinions of sex. Through sex, people can be put into partisan groups such as the LGBT community which primarily votes Democrat. The resistance to “kink” is something seen often from those Republican traditionalists that are bigoted, racist, homophobic, and transphobic, and would roll out the red carpet for that Hitler fella if he were still around. Trying to suppress sex and kink is suppressing personal freedoms and shaming people who are different.

In their eyes, indiscriminate sex and kink should be normalized for a healthy, accepting, and progressive world. If that means putting it in children’s movies, then so be it. The normalization must continue apace.

But then there’s the not-so-obvious reason they’re obsessed with sex; they can’t get enough of it because they’re not really having it.

Sure, they might be hooking up after meeting someone at a bar or matching on a dating app, but the act of sex is only 25 percent physical. The rest of the 75 percent of having fulfilling sex comes from an attachment to the person you’re having sex with. In fact, without that attachment, sex can be a lot like eating too much junk food. Tastes great at the moment, but over time you’ll look at the state of yourself and feel real pangs of regret for having done it.

The problem is pretty widespread, and it originated in generations that came before mine. Even amongst conservative Christians, the desire to hook up, even without the expectation of a romantic connection afterward, is strong. Moreover, it’s never been easier thanks to a combination of culture and technology making hooking up easier than ever.

But meaningless sex leaves a lot to be desired…namely meaning. While it may satiate the animal part of our brains for a while, it does nothing for the mind or spirit. Sex is an act that involves opening yourself up to incredible vulnerability and when that vulnerability is used and discarded it hurts in a way you may not notice at first.

Like a person who does a drug and experiences that first high, you go looking for it again only to find that it doesn’t have the same power it did the first time. So you continue to chase that high, this time with something a little more intense. This becomes a pattern, and before you know it you’re someone different. This happens very often in the world of sex, and while most people might just chase more and more partners, some people veer off into some very odd territories, resulting in kink.

And in today’s age where sex and kink are celebrated, people are encouraged to push further and embrace the thing that gives them that high instead of doing what they should be doing which is finding a partner they can feel fulfilled with. In truth, that’s the high they’re chasing, but they’ve become so enveloped by modern sexuality that they view the cure as a poison.

So the quest to normalize their sexual habits continues. It makes them feel better and like they belong, and they view anyone who disagrees as a villain. They hate their kind for not wanting to normalize their addiction and as such, they attempt to normalize it to their children.

To be clear, what two adults get up to in the privacy of their own space isn’t any of my business. Especially if a married couple gets up to some really weird stuff, then by all means. Go nuts. Vanilla sex sometimes isn’t enough and that’s fine, but the point is that you can be as weird as you want and it won’t matter if the person you’re getting weird with doesn’t actually give a rat’s ass about you. It’ll leave you satisfied for a moment, but that hunger will come crawling back and stronger than before.

You can normalize it to the rest of the world, but your own mind, body, and soul aren’t the rest of the world. Humans aren’t built for soullessness, and that’s the kind of sex being offered today.


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