
Gen Z Leans Toward LGBT but Before We Blame Social Media, Let's Look at the Parents

AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, File

Gen Z is suffering a very serious issue in that it’s the most LGBT generation in American history by far. According to Statista, a whopping 19.7 percent of Gen Z identifies as homosexual or transgender in some capacity.

A lot of this can be attributed to the trend-following of the youthful. With mainstream media promoting LGBT lifestyles and concepts everywhere you go, kids are going to glob onto it and identify as something they’re seeing in popular media. With Gen Z naturally spending most of its time on TikTok more than any other social media network, many people are making China’s video app the culprit for the gayification of America.

I don’t disagree.

As I covered back in March, Blaire White dug into TikTok and pulled out examples of how activists on the platform are attempting to reach out to your children and convince them that they’re something they aren’t.

(READ: TikTok Influencers Are Trying to Turn Your Kids Trans Behind Your Back, as This Must-See Exposé Shows)

As White pointed out then, these TikTokers are aiming their videos at your children (namely girls) and attempt to make watching them a secret between you and your child:

White points out that the ones most affected by this TikTok contagion are young girls. Being more socially susceptible to online influencers and social anxiety, these young girls adopt some of these mental illnesses in order to either fit in or even feel special. This doesn’t mean that men and young boys aren’t themselves affected, but the majority appear to be female.

As White points out, the explosion of these disorders is primarily happening around the young, while older men and women aren’t nearly as affected.

Moreover, White points out that some of these influencers talking to your kid are actively encouraging your child to keep their “conversations” a secret from you, the parent. This doesn’t just mean random transgendered people, but medical professionals as well, who give out phone numbers they can call for a secretive consultation.

The concerns regarding TikTok and its influence on children are absolutely valid. If you are a parent, especially to a young girl, either prohibiting the use of the platform or, at the very least, monitoring what kind of content is being delivered to them, is essential.

But there are millions and millions of people on TikTok, including millions and millions of kids. Not all of the content on the platform is gauged toward turning your child gay. In fact, some of the most concise and convincing arguments for conservatism, libertarianism, anti-feminism, and anti-communism can be found on that platform. At the end of the day, TikTok is a tool that can be used for good or evil.

At the end of the day, the problem boils down to a child’s first influencers; the parents.

When it comes to the vast majority of issues that a child has, the issue can be traced back to a parent’s mistakes, ignorance, or baggage. While no parent can expect to be perfect or raise a perfect child, nor can they be expected to be in the know about everything, a child can often be pre-equipped to know the difference between a good idea and a bad one, or a moral concept and an immoral concept.

A lot of this comes from two different sources. Firstly, there’s the honest talk to the child about these concepts and I’m not sure it’s happening as often as they should. Too many parents leave that kind of stuff up to others to talk to their child about such as teachers, but that’s a fatal mistake, especially nowadays. Even if a teacher doesn’t necessarily disagree with the parents, he or she may not risk their careers and livelihoods to teach your child anything except the approved material, which is too often pro-LGBT nowadays.

Then there’s the route of teaching by example. I’m not saying a parent has to be a saint in front of their children. In fact, some of the most well-rounded and grounded people I know had parents that were quick with a dirty joke, didn’t hold back when mocking stupid things, and put whiskey on the kid’s gums as a baby and a beer in their hand at the age of 15.

In fact, I’d say that the kids whose parents were too careful about what they said or did turned out more susceptible. If the kid sees a parent bending the knee in some way to evil, then the parent can’t be surprised when that evil sneaks in past them and goes directly for their children.

The kid with a stalwart parent who’s willing to address modern issues and do what’s necessary to protect their child from it will likely see their child come out on top, even when exposed to bad-faith influencers. While everything is going to have some effect on a child, a solid upbringing can get a kid to stop a bad idea in its tracks.


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