
Biden Is Getting the Just Deserts of DEI

AP Photo/Julio Cortez

Nothing DEI touches survives long and it doesn't matter who or what you are.

It's not a good time to be a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. Your leader is a bumbling octogenarian who is losing more and more of his brain function by the day. Your VP, while far more youthful, has about as much luck stringing together coherent sentences or saying meaningful things as he does. 

The nation is generating more and more spite for you every day thanks to the irresponsible and unconscionable way you're governing the nation, and to make matters worse, you have an election coming up that isn't looking too good. 

In fact, it looks so bad that even Biden's staff can't seem to find a bright spot in all this. As Jeff Charles reported on Wednesday, James O'Keefe released undercover footage of Charlie Kraiger, a White House cybersecurity policy analyst, admitting that Biden's age is an issue and that Harris isn't much better. 

When it comes to Harris, she seems to be a weight around the neck of the DNC: 

“@VP @KamalaHarris hemorrhages black staff. She can't keep black staff. They quit on her en masse”

“She will be the vice president nominee. There was a debate about removing her from the ticket, but sadly they didn’t, she's not popular, but you can’t remove the first black lady to be vice president from the Goddamn presidential ticket. Like what kind of message are you going to send to like African-American voters…People would be like, "What the f**k?” Like she's a woman and she's multiracial.”

Very few people would argue that Harris was chosen as Biden's VP during the 2020 election because she was the best person for the job. Many leftist groups demanded that Biden pick a black woman to be his VP or they not only wouldn't vote for him, they'd campaign against him. It wasn't something that the Biden campaign was willing to risk and, true to form, the left caved to the need for more "inclusivity" and "diversity" and brought Harris on. 

This is even though Harris crashed and burned early in her 2020 campaign after she was ruthlessly ripped to shreds by Tulsi Gabbard. Harris was, at the end of the day, nothing more than a diversity hire. She was unfit for the job and proved it, and continues to prove it, with each passing day. 

And the Democrats' chances in 2024 are circling the drain now in part because they embraced their ridiculous idea that identity should trump merit or skill at the very top.

Behold, dear reader, the effect of DEI. See now that it doesn't matter how powerful you are. DEI is a rot that eventually destroys everything it touches, including businesses, careers, products, and political offices. 

As I've written before. DEI is sold to the public as a force of good that balances out the outcomes for what the left considers disadvantaged people. However, when you see DEI's real effects, you see that it's nothing more than a destructive force that erodes things quickly like salt water on metal: 

DEI ditches the idea of merit and relies, instead, on the idea of equality. If a group of people is underrepresented in a certain industry, then that is a social sin of the highest order, and administrators and executives have to fix it immediately or else. Given, this only applies to certain industries. You won’t see a lot of DEI initiatives in waste disposal, for instance.

This includes leadership roles, and here is where you start seeing real problems. If the person or people in charge don’t have the best skills for the job then their bad leadership will make for a bad company. Their inexperience and misplaced priorities will create waves that continue to infect everything below them.

And thus you have the federal government. If it seems like it's wholly incompetent, then that's because the Biden administration infested itself with DEI, and put people in positions of power because of their identity, not their skill. The rot set in quickly and we have the nation we have today. 

Yet despite continued examples of how DEI ruins everything it touches, the left cannot seem to pull itself away from it. It's hooked on it like a hard drug.

By the time voting starts in November, the Democrats may well be strung out and unable to put up any real fight. The question is, will they learn their lesson and detach themselves from DEI, or will they continue to inject themselves with it until they waste away. 


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