
The Democrats' Retreat From the EV Push Has Some Important Lessons About Them You Shouldn't Miss

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The Democrats might be the party that rejects God, but they're not without their religions. 

What I call the "Church of Climate Change" is probably their most globally accepted religion, partly because they've managed to convince people that it's an apolitical cause. Democrats sell their church as one that is above the petty differences between the left and the right side of the aisle. This is about the prevention of Armageddon! 

(READ: A Non-Believer's View of the Church of Climate Change)

However, it's the most blatantly political movement the left takes part in. The fact that it's widely believed to be a legitimate issue shows you that the power of the media and climate activists is still way too profound. 

But it's through this religion that you can see the lies — namely in the way that this religion forces them to act in unwise ways to keep up the act. 

Take, for instance, the Biden administration's recent retreat from the electric vehicle push. As Ben Kew reported on Monday, the Biden admin threw in the towel on trying to make EVs the norm in America due to a lack of interest by the public and the fact that automakers and labor unions were being pushed further than they were comfortable with and threatening the relationship between Democrats and the unions: 

Instead of essentially requiring automakers to rapidly ramp up sales of electric vehicles over the next few years, the administration would give car manufacturers more time, with a sharp increase in sales not required until after 2030, these people said. They asked to remain anonymous because the regulation has not been finalized. The administration plans to publish the final rule by early spring.

The change comes as President Biden faces intense crosswinds as he runs for re-election while trying to confront climate change. He is aiming to cut carbon dioxide emissions from gasoline-powered vehicles, which make up the largest single source of greenhouse gases emitted by the United States.

At the same time, Mr. Biden needs cooperation from the auto industry and political support from the unionized auto workers who backed him in 2020 but now worry that an abrupt transition to electric vehicles would cost jobs.

Two things can be understood from this. 

For one, as has been made pretty clear by Democrats themselves, the only thing they ultimately care about is power. Most of them don't truly believe in their own climate alarmism. If they did, they wouldn't be flying around the globe to attend climate summits. The celebrities who endorse climate change wouldn't be expending insane amounts of fuel just to go to lunch. 

(READ: Study Finds Those Finger-Wagging Celebrity Eco-Warriors Emit 10,000 Times More CO2 Than the Average Person)

Hell, even the Democrats are choosey about who they finger-wag at. Taylor Swift has burned tons of fuel and emitted an outrageous amount of CO2 into the air just visiting her boyfriend...but so far, there hasn't been a peep out of the climate alarmists. Attacking Swift would be political suicide right now.

The world is going to end, according to them, but they can delay doing anything about it because right now, the thing they truly care about, their power, is under threat. 

It's all an act. 

But here's the other interesting thing to consider. 

The Democrats got over their skis with this one and in a really big way, and it's not a good look for them. Democrats are supposed to be the intelligent ones in the room. The social engineers who know what they're doing. The "Whiz Kids!" 

The thing is, the reason this whole plan failed is because the market forces weren't going to support it, and the market forces are, in the end, the people. It's the people who understand some very basic things. For one, while EVs are a fun idea, they haven't been perfected to a point where they're reliable enough for everyone. Secondly, the infrastructure for such a large surge of EVs isn't there. Thirdly, it was unrealistic for so many EVs to be created in such a short time. 

It's a clear sign that the Democrats didn't know what they were doing. They wanted to put their stamp on something but failed to realize what everyone else saw as pretty obvious. 

And if the people saw it and the Democrats didn't...what does that say about the Democrats? 

This retreat isn't a good look, and it shines light on both the hubris of the Democrats as well as their desperation to get something going that could make them look good going into 2024. 

(READ: Scientists Reveal that We’re Not Going to Die From Climate Change Anytime Soon)


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