
The Story of Elliot Page Highlights the Tragedy of Transgenderism

Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP, File

Actress Elliot Page had a lot going for her despite being something of a radical leftist. She was beautiful, she starred in movies that were box-office hits, and became a celebrated figure both in and out of the mainstream. 

Then, one day, something happened that shook her world so hard that she became mentally unstable. She began to mentally degrade and soon, she announced she was no longer a woman. She embraced transgenderism and did so to such an extent that she started to damage her own body with hormones and surgeries. 

If you're on X, you've probably seen an increasing number of posts from people on the center-right talking about Page recently, and this time, not in a way that makes fun of her. It seems many people actually have sympathy for her and are considering her transformation a tragedy. 

To be sure, it is. 

Something happened to Page that really hurt her mentally. As a Hollywood denizen, it could have been any number of things, but what likely happened (and many signs point to) is that Page was sexually assaulted as Lauren Chen pointed out in her own post on X. 

I don't care how politically incorrect it is, it's so freaking obvious I'm just gonna say it. Ellen Page was sexually abused by perverts in Hollywood. I'd guess this caused her to HATE her own body and any aspects of her own femininity that might have made her attractive to her abusers. This is likely why she began self-harming (which she admits to). Enter the trans narrative! By becoming a "trans man," she not only gets to mutilate her own body and remove its femininity (hello "top surgery") with the full support of the medical community, but on top of that she also gets PRAISED and labeled brave and inspiring for "coming out." She's not a man, she's a traumatized and mentally unwell woman who needs to unpack what happened to her and find healthy coping mechanisms, not to be told her body is "wrong" and given hormones and surgery.

Self-harm and uglification aren't uncommon responses to sexual trauma, especially when it comes to women. I've seen that reaction from women I've known personally who suffered that level of trauma. It takes working through it and cultivating inner strength to truly rise above it though the emotional scars remain. 

But the key is working through it, and that's not what transgenderism allows. 

Transgenderism promises a new life but what it really does is introduce a new trauma to distract you from the first trauma. As I've covered previously, the gender fluid movement is very successful at preying on people with high levels of depression, anxiety, and past trauma, especially when it comes to women. 

(READ: Our Predatory Mainstream Culture Creates an Assembly Line of Gen Z Women Who Identify As LGBT)

People look to embrace what they are told are their "true selves" through transgenderism or gender fluidity. They're told they'll be stronger and more capable of facing their troubles once they establish themselves in their true identity. They delve in, identifying as this and that, and find themselves to be more depressed and isolated than ever yet unable to break out of this new situation due to a mixture of fear of the outside world and fear of their own community. 

They suffer at the hands of a mental health issue that doesn't actually exist, but they've convinced themselves to do so with the help of everything from politicians, activists, peers, and the corporate media. 

And as such, the trauma they started with goes unaddressed and festers. The new trauma they embraced makes them more miserable. 

And then we wonder why transgenderism has such a high suicide rate. 

Page is a person to be pitied, as annoying as she is. Something very wrong happened to her and she was pushed further into a false lifestyle by people who clearly didn't have her best interests at heart. This lifestyle clearly isn't helping her. Where she was once vibrant and happy, she's clearly sad and crushed. She physically looks tired and depressed. 

She's spiraling.

But she's one of many people in this nation who are being seduced and destroyed by something that is ultimately a politically useful trend. Anyone who pushes transgenderism on vulnerable people like this are true villains. 

It needs to be made very clear to all of society that transgenderism is predatory and that it causes mental illnesses, not solves them. 


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