Democrats On Defense Over 'Resistance' Rhetoric


After House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and four other people were shot at the Republican practice for the annual Congressional Baseball Game the Country had another political Kumbaya moment.


We see this every few years. Some horrific event or thoughtless utterance, gets everyone all worked up and concerned about the lack of civil discourse and there is much pining for the good all days when “things were better.”

Unfortunately, as is usually the case with such moments, this one didn’t last long either. As my RedState colleague Joe Cunningham reported, the Kumbaya didn’t even last through Congressional Baseball Game, as “dozens of congressional staffers erupted into boos, jeers and even vulgar gesticulations” when President Donald J. Trump appeared at the Congressional Baseball Game via video to deliver a message of unity.

Alex Roarty, who covers Democrats for McClatchy, reports that Democrats are now on the defensive about their rhetoric:

Suddenly, it’s Democrats — paired with a political base that hates the new president — who are on the defensive about their rhetoric. And even for a party that believes deeply in opposing Trump, the shootings are spurring reflection about how its leaders talk about the president — and whether they need to be more careful with their words.

Roarty highlights the words of Nina Turner, a former Democratic state senator from Ohio and a high-profile Sanders supporter thinks the Democratic Party has become too personal and too harsh in its criticism, — and “taken away the modicum of humanity” of the president:


People have to stop making this about Trump as a human being, as hard as that might be for some people, and just be hard as hell on the issues. We have an obligation to point out what his policies are doing for everyday American people. We have an obligation to do that, but we also have an obligation for people to understand we are talking about the policy positions and not trying to strip this man of his humanity. It’s hard, but we can do both.

Some are not satisfied that Democrats have done nearly enough to calm their rhetoric or their seething base. Just calling themselves The Resistance is part of the problem. To many of us The Resistance refers to the underground movement formed in France during World War II to fight the German occupying forces and the Vichy government. Such a name cannot help but instill a sense of war and encourage violence.

The Democrats deserve to be on the defense over their “resistance” rhetoric.


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