Pastor Greg Laurie Offers Critical Reminder to Christians in Post-Roe America

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Pro-lifers across the nation are celebrating the overturning of decisions made in Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, which means abortion is now a fully state-level issue. Some states, like Missouri, have banned abortion, while others, like California, still have liberal laws on the books.


The legal aspect of it aside, there is a cultural myth that the only people that approve of today’s ruling inΒ Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization are those on the religious right. It is a widely spread falsehood, as the pro-life tent is wide-ranging. For example, check out Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, they’re certainly an interesting group.

Still, Christians have a unique responsibility in a post-Roe America to help mothers in need.

“#SCOTUS has overturned Roe V Wade. Although we cannot bring back the lives we have lost, a great injustice has been corrected today. Countless lives have been saved by this decision,” Harvest Christian Fellowship Pastor Greg Laurie tweeted.

“Thank God! Β Now more than ever before, the church must prioritize caring for mothers and children,” he added.

The last line to Laurie’s tweet is so important because of the emphasis Christianity puts on goodwill toward others and caring for families. Now is the time for Christians to donate to their local pregnancy center or volunteer their time at one. Alternatively, spreading information about pro-life resources in your area to help pregnant women, or women with small children, is critical too. And, of course, helping out pregnant women in need on an individual basis if presented with the opportunity.

Back when Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion was leaked last month, I asked Twitter users to share resources nationwide and in their area, and there were hundreds of replies. Feel free to sift through this list to find a place in your area, or simply Google your local pregnancy center. Pro-life advocate Hannah Bernadette also has a great list that is worth your time, which is linked below.


Peace, love, and grace toward expecting mothers who find themselves in tough circumstances are the cornerstones to building a culture of life in the United States. Women should never feel that abortion is the only option, and Christians play a critical role in making sure they feel supported.

Let’s be reminded of Jeremiah 1:5, in which God told Jeremiah that “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”


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