Defeat the Left-Wing Feminist Museum!

As we noted last week, Republicans led by Rep. Marsha Blackburn are helping Democrats secure a spot on the National Mall to create a left-wing feminist museum.  All of the main figures associated with the museum are professional liberals and long-time activists.   We don’t need our national parks being used to promote abortion, homosexual marriage, and people like Gloria Steinum  and Rose Schneiderman.


The House plans to bring HR 863, The National Women’s History Museum Commission Act, to the floor tomorrow under suspension.  Although a suspension bill needs a two-thirds majority to pass, they are often passed unanimously by voice vote.  Leadership already knows that conservatives are outraged by this nonsense and would love to pass this through a voice vote, thereby protecting their rank-and-file members from being recorded on a bad vote.  They already did this last month when they passed the Medicare doc fix bill with the phony spending offsets by voice vote.

I’m hearing that Reps. Huelskamp and Bachmann plan to be on the floor when the bill comes up for a vote.  The only way to prevent them from repeating a surreptitious voice vote is to have conservatives physically present on the floor to demand a recorded vote.

Call your GOP members and ask them to join Huelskamp and Bachmann and force leadership to document those who are squandering the GOP majority to promote a left-wing agenda.


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