RedState's WaterCooler! Tuesday, 2/7/2017 - Open Thread - Arm with Knowledge

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“But a continual state of panic serves no purpose and will eventually numb voters and their institutions to real threats when they inevitably arise.” – Tom Nichols, Professor Naval War College, WaPo, “Chill, America …


How better to quell panic than to apply understanding? In the interest of becoming smarter, think for ourselves consumers of news and chat memes across the net sphere, here I offer verifiable truths.

Each Presidential Cabinet Nominee is listed with his/her Department, Position, (State of Origin) and, C-Span link(s) to their confirmation hearing(s). None of the information provided below is spin. It is some (not exhaustive) fact with which to help form an opinion. The Senate Calendar PDF is dynamic therefore when clicked the link will reflect the most current calendar.

Nomination and Confirmation Process

  1. The nomination is submitted by the President in writing to the Senate.
  2. The nomination is referred to the committee with jurisdiction over the position or the agency in which the position exists. i.e. The Armed Services Committee will review the Secretary of Defense nominee.
  3. Committee hearings may occur at this point.
  4. Once a nominee is placed on the Senate’s Executive Calendar, floor consideration of the nomination may occur.
  5. The White House is notified of the confirmation or rejection of the nominee. The Congressional Record includes all nominations submitted to the Senate, as well as the action taken on them.

Nominations on Senate Calendar PDF

  • Department Website
    US Code pertaining to Cabinet Position
    C-Span Video of Confirmation Hearings






“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and, a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” – James Madison

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