Today America's Mother-In-Law Puts Down the Gavel

Good morning.Congress convenes at noon today. The new congresscritters are getting sworn in.Look for the Senate Democrats to fail in their effort to gut the filibuster, but they’ll try nonetheless. I suspect the adults in the room, i.e. the Democrats who remember having a Republican President and Senate, will outwit and overrule Senator Udall (D-NM) and the howling gang of leftists from MSNBC and the lefty blogosphere.And through it all we will witness a historic moment. America’s Mother-in-Law will surrender the gavel to John Boehner, ridding us of our four year long national nightmare. Of course, we’ll still have her to kick around as Minority Leader.Also, our sixty-three year long national nightmare that is the Kennedy Dynasty finally concludes. Starting today, my friends, there will be no more Kennedy’s in Congress.Today is a beautiful day. And if that isn’t enough, come back here at noon for a really big announcement from me — one that will surely make heads explode.



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