Morning Briefing for June 20, 2011

RedState Morning Briefing
For June 20, 2011

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Save the American Dream

Because you’re a RedState conservative, you understand the financial catastrophe that is looming in Washington-and what this means for all Americans. I can think of no better way to fight back and advance the conservative principles that are the only solution to what ails America. I’ve recorded a short video that explains more and gives you a way to stand with The Heritage Foundation in letting Congress know you want them to cut out some specific spending outrages.Our country is running out of time. But I believe we can meet this crisis with wisdom, courage, and strategic effectiveness. Please watch my video now.

1. Are Conservatives & Conservative Organizations in D.C. Actually Feckless Wimps?

2. One Network, Under Secular Elitism

3. Rick Perry’s Scandalous Skeletons Come Out of the Closet

4. On Jon Huntsman: See, I Told You So

5. We May Or May Not Be ‘Ultraconservative,’ But We Certainly Didn’t Call the SBA Pledge ‘Ridiculous’

6. ThinkProgress and Lee Fang vs the Evil Koch Brothers

7. Union Targets Target and Misses



1. Are Conservatives & Conservative Organizations in D.C. Actually Feckless Wimps?

A number of conservatives and conservative groups in Washington, D.C. are pushing yet another pledge. This one is to cut, cap, and balance. They want you to pledge to urge your Senator and Congressman to oppose any debt limit unless all three of the following conditions are met: (1) substantial cuts in spending; (2) enforceable spending caps; and (3) passage of the Lee-Cornyn-Hatch Balanced Budget Amendment, known as S.J. Res. 10 in the Senate and H. J. Res. 56 in the House.The pledge is wonderful. I fully support it. I also think any conservative and conservative organization that signs the pledge is feckless, spineless, and gutless unless one additional step is taken.And the sad thing is, I suspect I am one thousand percent right that we’ll all be disappointed by the conservatives and conservative organizations signing the pledge. Here’s why.We’ve reached the point of no return in this country, but Republicans keep making deal after deal after deal. They’ll negotiate their way to hell and our country to fiscal ruin all while nuancing around pledges.Meanwhile, the pledge makers and pledge signer really do nothing other than say “Oh my, Senator/Representative X broke the pledge. Tisk. Tisk.”The time for tisk, tisking is over.Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. One Network, Under Secular Elitism

Just as I thought that the primary reason a father who loves golf as much I do would have to boycott NBC Sports and it’s recently acquired Golf Channel is the inundation of frigging Viagra (and similar) commercials, the geniuses at NBC decided to use their considerable wisdom and virtue to edit the Pledge of Allegiance for the rest of us, for they consider us dupes.This morning, before the final round of the United States Open – a Father’s Day tradition for golfers in this country and beyond, and arguably the most grueling test of golf in the world – NBC produced one of those little lead-in montages… You see, the Open is being played at historic Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Maryland, right outside of Washington, DC, and the montage was a little patriotic deal showing pictures along with clips of kids reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Only – the fine producers at NBC decided that it would be much better for the viewers not to be subjected to the phrase “under God,” not once – but twice.Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. Rick Perry’s Scandalous Skeletons Come Out of the Closet

Every Republican Presidential candidates is a closet homosexual who engages in mass orgies with women and boys while keeping multiple mistresses on the side hidden from their wives all while funneling highway contracts to their best friends for a kickback.Every Republican is like that if you believe those candidates’ opponents within the Republican Party.Rarely do these rumors ever actually become true.Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. On Jon Huntsman: See, I Told You So

My objection to Jon Huntsman remains simple: while serving at the pleasure of the President of the United States, he began plotting against the President of the United States. It matters not who the President is. It matters that the man was disloyal to his President while serving as his mouth piece to our biggest strategic adversary in the world.Many people responded to my objection by saying, “he never campaigned or did anything to start campaigning while serving the President.” This statement is made in direct contravention to the public facts and record.And now even the Los Angeles Times concedes that I was right.Please click here for the rest of the post.

5. We May Or May Not Be ‘Ultraconservative,’ But We Certainly Didn’t Call the SBA Pledge ‘Ridiculous’

In calling the Susan B. Anthony List’s pro-life pledge “a mess”, the Washington Post’s Jenn Rubin seeks to use “ultraconservative” RedState to prove that even those icky social conservative sites dislike the pledge.It is not only inaccurate to say that, it is absolutely journalistic malpractice for which I insist upon a correction.Please click here for the rest of the post.

6. ThinkProgress and Lee Fang vs the Evil Koch Brothers

While I claim no expertise, I do have a general understanding of how the oil market works, which is more than can be said for ThinkProgress “investigative journalist” Lee Fang. A series of articles (notably here and here) has convinced the so-called Progressive community that Fang has blown the lid off a Koch Brothers conspiracy to control oil markets via speculation.For Mr. Fang, the Koch Brothers’ “Contango Strategy” is the smoking gun. A contango market allows the owner of oil storage to score low-risk profits of several dollars per barrel. The Kochs capitalized on such a situation back in late 2008/early 2009. But Fang repeatedly fails to explain how commodities futures trading drives the market price of the commodity.To better understand how the market works, let’s take a closer look at this strange term, contango.Please click here for the rest of the post.

7. Union Targets Target and Misses

The United Food & Commercial Workers, following years of failed efforts at unionized mega-retailer Wal-Mart, grocer Whole Foods and seeing some of its unionized employers like A&P file for bankruptcy, had set its sights on a new target: Target.On Friday, the National Labor Relations Board conducted a secret-ballot election in Valley Stream, NY at one of Target’s approximately 1750 U.S. stores. If the union won, it would have been the first-ever unionized Target in the nation. Ultimately, the union failed.After the employees cast their secret ballot and the NLRB counted the ballots, the union lost 137-85.The union, of course, is displeased with the employees choice and is blaming the retailer for its loss. Please click here for the rest of the post.



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