Morning Briefing for December 29, 2011

RedState Morning Briefing
December 29, 2011
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Dear Morning Briefing subscriber:So I’m supposed to be on vacation. Seriously. I hope you had a Merry Christmas. I’m still enjoying my Christmas vacation — my first vacation in four years from RedState.But yesterday my emails were piling up (over 4,000 unread since Sunday) and I kept reading RedState and twittering and had to fill in for Neal Boortzanyway. . . . okay, I’m addicted. I’m back early. Vacations are for ninnies.Here we go . . . the Morning Briefing is back. Just don’t tell my wife I sneaked out bed this morning. She’s still asleep and convinced I’m still focused on vacationing, not Iowa. Pfffft.


P.S. — I’ll even have a Horserace post for you at noon today and delivered to your email inbox shortly thereafter.


1. Ted Kennedy Prepared Barack Obama’s Attack Ads


2. Yesterday, December 28, 2011, Mitt Romney Calls Obamacare “Conservative”


3. No Surprise, Iowa Social Conservatives Are About To Shoot Us All in the Foot Again


4. The Iowa Caucus Procedure


5. The Colorado Model & The Left’s Stratagem For Turning Red States to Blue





1. Ted Kennedy Prepared Barack Obama’s Attack Ads

In 1994, Ted Kennedy ran against Mitt Romney. Romney ran on his jobs record in the private sector. Sound familiar? Well, get ready for Barack Obama’s ad campaign against Mitt Romney. Ted Kennedy already produced the ads and I’ve got them.

We’re going to hear about Bain Capital taking federal bailout money. We’ll hear the tales of woe from people Mitt Romney ordered laid off.

Yes, you can say we’ll hear all the same stuff about Barack Obama, but every poll shows voters still do not connect Barack Obama to his policies. Policies are esoteric things. The people in these ads, however, connect their firings to Mitt Romney.

The ads are below the fold. If you don’t see them here, you’ll see them on the campaign trail once Romney is the nominee.

Oh, and in addition to campaign ads featuring every person every laid off on orders from Mitt Romney, you’ll also get to see his house in Utah, his stone cottage, and his Belmont home.

The closest equivalent to Campaign 2012 with Barack Obama running against Mitt Romney won’t be found in the recent era. You’ll have to go all the way back to France, 1793, and the campaign of Robespierre against Marie Antoinette.

Talk about a bloody political season.

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2. Yesterday, December 28, 2011, Mitt Romney Calls Obamacare “Conservative”

This isn’t a flash back. This is yesterday. Mitt Romney is again declaring the foundation of Obamacare, the individual mandate, “conservative.”

To be sure, it is conservative that one takes responsibility for their own healthcare. But the conservative solution is not to force Americans to buy a product. Forcing Americans, through penalty of law, into purchasing or refraining from purchasing a product is not and will never be conservative.

What’s conservative? Well, if the person doesn’t want insurance, don’t let them get out of paying their medical bills through bankruptcy. But forcing them to buy insurance? Not only is it not conservative, we can see in Massachusetts that health care costs have continued to go up as has the cost of government.

So not only is Mitt Romney’s plan not conservative, it does not even work.

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3. No Surprise, Iowa Social Conservatives Are About To Shoot Us All in the Foot Again

I’m hearing several campaigns and external pollsters have a surge for Rick Santorum. With the National Review folks fawning over him again, it probably means a surge is real and any surge by Rick Santorum is another factor ensuring Mitt Romney wins the nomination. (To be fair, this doesn’t look like real momentum)

Santorum has no money or organization outside of Iowa and cannot win the nomination, but Iowans love a guy who sucks up to them and makes sure they know he loves the babies.

As a pro-lifer myself, I have to throw up a bit in my mouth that Iowa conservatives are seriously considering Rick Santorum, which will only help Mitt Romney, a guy who even after his supposedly heartfelt conversion to life put some seriously pro-abortion judges on the Massachusetts bench hiding behind the “Well it was Massachusetts for Pete’s sake” defense.

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4. The Iowa Caucus Procedure

Ever wanted to know what the Iowa caucuses are like? The IA-GOP sent out this statement to give you an idea.

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5. The Colorado Model & The Left’s Stratagem For Turning Red States to Blue

Although it’s being deployed in several states like Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and others, there are still many who have never heard of the Colorado Model. What’s worse, despite all the Left’s bemoaning of the “vast right wing conspiracy,” Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or whatever enemy they can dream up, there is still nothing like the Colorado Model on the Right.

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