
It's Time to Defund the American Library Association

(AP Photo/Russell Contreras)

For those who still believe that libraries are quiet spaces filled with dusty tomes and the tapping of keyboards, it might be surprising to find out that they are increasingly becoming centers for indoctrination. The American Library Association (ALA) is the primary group spearheading the movement to embed far-leftist ideology into libraries in an effort to influence young minds to embrace Marxist ideology.

As if that weren’t bad enough, people might be shocked, and even outraged, to find out they are paying for the ALA to help indoctrinate their kids. That’s right, the ALA is funded with taxpayer dollars to inculcate children with values that might not exactly line up with those of their parents.

It’s time to defund the ALA.

The organization has been operating at warp speed when it comes to presenting Marxist ideology in libraries, while also seeking to censor voices that go against their ideas. RedState’s Jennifer Oliver O’Connell has been covering this movement and explains how libraries are turning into indoctrination centers:

They are not just indoctrinating children through their focused selection and placement of LGBTQ and gender ideology-friendly books in libraries, they are indoctrinating adults who do the footwork of blackballing Brave Books, and probably other conservative publishers and organizations, like Moms for Liberty. You didn't think the LGBTQ+ and Drag Queen activists got these ideas on their own, did you? Now the leftist Christian segment has gotten involved, offering "alternative" events in tandem with the Brave Books Story Hours as a form of protest.

That is their right. It is still a free country. Part of discourse is offering alternatives and allowing them to be heard.

But these "alternatives," are not made for discourse, but for drowning out the voices they do not like. Not one of these people has actually sat in on a Brave Books Story Hour in order to see and hear exactly what goes on. Instead, the ALA and its allies in state systems, like Alabama Director of Library Services Nancy C. Pack, choose to target Brave Books because it pushes back against Marxist indoctrination and sexual grooming, and they no likey.

The group has come under fire for its ongoing efforts to stop actor and author Kirk Cameron from holding his “See You At the Library” events in libraries across the country. Why? Because instead of holding drag queen story hours, Cameron is reading to children about traditional values, and the ALA just can’t have that. This is why the group has been trying to blackball the author by pressuring libraries to refuse to host him.

Even further, the group was instrumental in drafting proposed legislation to keep sexually inappropriate materials on the bookshelves where children can easily access them. They seek to put an end to “book banning,” which simply means removing content that is not suitable for children.

But wait, it gets even worse!

Emily Drabinski, president of the ALA, was caught on tape at a Socialist conference saying she wants to turn libraries into “sites of socialist organizing.”

After the presenters held a rousing discussion, including discussing how to smuggle socialist ideas like Critical Race Theory into the classroom even when the law outlaws it (they call that fugitive pedagogy), there was an opportunity for attendees to comment.

Emily got in line at the microphone.

She was called “comrade” just like the others in line.

And when it was her turn, she said this:

I’m Emily and I'm a librarian.

(There’s a large round of applause - the crowd knew who Emily was)

I just want to say thank you for bringing up libraries, and classroom libraries, but also school libraries of all kind, public libraries and higher education library who have been under attack in similar ways

I think your point that public education needs to be a site of socialist organizing, I think libraries really do too.

I haven't seen that, working in libraries, but I think there’s a real opportunity here to both connect with what’s happening in public education, what’s happening in libraries, but also we need some help with libraries.

We need to be on the agenda of socialist organizing.

The ALA’s activities have prompted a fierce backlash. A number of states have cut ties with the organization over its efforts to indoctrinate children.

Yet, the federal government is still funding the group, which means you and I are paying the organization to influence our children. The state has no business shelling out taxpayer dollars to groups that are clearly intent on promoting a political ideology instead of working to help kids learn. Unfortunately, too many Americans remain unaware of the machinations of this group, which means they will continue in their efforts to promote socialism through public libraries.


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