Charlamagne tha God Sours on VP Kamala Harris; You Get What You Vote For

Screenshot via Comedy Central

Before 2020, I had never heard of Charlamagne tha God (Lenard Larry McKelvey). Many people, including some Blacks, had not. Then basement Joe Biden appeared on his "Breakfast Club" radio program and famously declared, "If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black.”


We all know the rest. Despite this bigoted and ridiculous outburst, Charlamagne tha God endorsed Biden for one reason, and one reason only: Kamala Harris. When Harris was running her brain-drain campaign for the presidency, the radio host and Daily Show star waxed eloquent about the then-Senator. His judgment was about as short-sighted as anyone who chose to back her for anything. Despite Harris' years-long record of Failing Up, Charlamagne treated her as if she were the second coming.


In a conversation with CNN host Don Lemon (remember him?) before the November 2020 election, Charlamagne offered this pretzel logic about why he was voting for Biden-Harris for President.


I'm just so tired of old white male leadership in politics. But that's exactly what he endorsed and voted for, and then encouraged other Blacks to do the same. Charlamagne (I refuse to call him "tha God") is what poses as influence these days. It is no wonder that Blacks are peeling away from the Democrat Party like a bad chemical burn. 

We are now in 2024 with another general election looming. Charlamagne is not feeling so generous these days with his praise or his endorsement and has been openly critical of a Biden-Harris ticket. In terms of Vice President Kamala Harris, the bloom began to fall off the rose with this disastrous interview with Charlamagne in 2021.


Welp. Charlamagne thought this faux passionate word salad is what he voted to support, then realized that's all there is: manufactured outrage and illiteracy. In an exclusive interview with POLITICO, Charlamagne expressed his disappointment in VP Train Wreck Harris.


[...] He said he feels burned by backing Harris.

“I’ve learned my lesson from doing that,” he said. “Once they got in the White House, she … kind of disappeared.”

The American voters wish Harris would disappear along with the top-of-the-ticket cognition case. I'm not sure which is greater: Charlamagne tha God's cognitive dissonance or his willful blindness. In 2020, this supposed voice of truth-to-power bamboozled Blacks into voting for Biden-Harris, with full knowledge that Blacks would receive nothing in return. Now he's learned his lesson, three years too late.

The question is, have the people who listen to his radio program or watch his television show learned theirs?


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