Sounds Right Ep. 6: Jen and Scott Say, "Excuse Us While We Call BS!"

In our second post-election(ish) episode of Sounds Right With Jen and Scott, we go over what the heck is happening in the “swing” states and all of the data work Scott’s been doing essentially around the clock since November 3.


I’m a writer by trade, obviously, but also a writer at heart. Numbers and data, rattled off quickly, aren’t my friend. I can dive in and find patterns, which has been helpful as a (recovering) political consultant, and I can do corporate tax returns, but don’t ask me to balance the checkbook. So, I asked Scott to explain what he’s seeing in election return data and red flags for fraud he found in, shocker, the swing states.

Scott wrote about these findings in his “Excuse Me While I Call BS” series, which you really need to read if you haven’t already. Like, right now. Or after you listen to the podcast. Whichever works better in your brain.





And, the one that started it all: “Excuse Me While I Call BS.”

We also talk about California’s ridiculous Thanksgiving gathering rules, which we have no doubt Gavin Newsom will not follow since he doesn’t follow essentially any other rule, and how liberals who think we’re gonna just “unify” are insane. As my very close personal friend Stephen Kruiser over at PJ Media said, “Dear Democrats: Here’s what you can do with your unity candle.”


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