CRINGE VIDEO: Gavin Newsom Mows Down Chinese Schoolkid While Playing Basketball, Gets Really Cozy

RNC Research/Screenshot

We've covered some of California Gov. Gavin Newsom's disastrous trip to China, including his glamour shot at the Great Wall that didn't quite go how he'd hoped, and his pimping of blacklisted Chinese EV manufacturer BYD (a group the EU is also considering blacklisting), but the video out this morning of Newsom playing basketball with some Chinese schoolkids takes the cake.


Newsom, who played varsity basketball and baseball in high school before playing two years of college baseball, should have at least a tiny bit of athletic footwork know-how, but he sure didn't look like it here.

Given that Newsom's kids play basketball (as we learned during the pandemic when his son went to a summer camp and played basketball mask-free in 2020, when the rest of the kids in California didn't have that privilege), he should know how to play basketball with kids without shoving them to the ground.

Even more curiously, look how handsy Newsom is with that kid after he knocks him down? He play-spanks him numerous times, then once he remembers he's on camera he sits up and hugs the kid as the kid furiously tries to get away. Kinda Joe Biden-esque.


Here's a slightly longer version of the video:


As my colleague Sister Toldjah reported, Newsom's nemesis, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, hit the bullseye when talking about Newsom's China trip on his Fox & Friends appearance Sunday morning.

“I saw him over there groveling with Xi Jinping and I thought to myself these are two guys who locked down their people, violated their rights, imposed medical authoritarianism, and really hurt their societies."


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