Nikki Haley Aims Her Fire at Donald Trump and Joe Biden After 3rd Place Finish in Iowa

AP Photo/Abbie Parr

Saying that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden "both lack a vision for our country's future, because both are consumed by the past, by investigations, by vendettas, by grievances," Iowa caucus third-place finisher Nikki Haley cast herself as a new generation of leader for the country. 


Haley was the last major candidate of the night to speak; Trump spoke first, then Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy spoke at approximately the same time. Ramaswamy spoke briefly to announce that he is suspending his campaign and endorsing Donald Trump. She didn't mention Ramaswamy or DeSantis.

She started off speaking of her faith in God and saying, "God is good," then sending a shout out to her husband, Michael, who is in the military and is deployed. She said she is comforted knowing that they sleep under the same stars.

Now it's off to New Hampshire, Haley said; she will be flying there tonight.


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