Thursday Cartoon: Pelosi Is the Wicked Witch of the West

The witch gets splashed with water. Screenshot credit: Movieclips YouTube


Anyone who watched the State of the Union listened as Biden delivered gaffe after gaffe, and lied about taxes and gun manufacturers.

We know what we’ll get — the same vacant, vapid look of an old man struggling to remember words. So, I wasn’t watching him as I listened. I was watching Kamala Harris in her poop brown pant suit and, principally, Nancy Pelosi.


She might be more addled then Biden, and she has far more ticks than Biden. She seems to clear her mouth of denture cream about every 5 seconds, and then during the State of the Union, she added a brand new tick.

When Biden was once again injecting the memory of the “good son” Beau into his “burn pit” talking point, Nancy started to get excited like a teenage girl who just winked at by the quarterback. But instead of just swooning, she started to rub her knuckles together.

It wasn’t just an odd one-off physical gaffe, like Orrin Hatch reaching for imaginary glasses; she kept rubbing her knuckles together. She stood and continued to rub her boney, witch-like hands together like she was made of brimstone, and she was about to light herself on fire. One second turned into five seconds, and then she sat down — and tongued her teeth back in place.

I’m convinced now. I’ve never seen her and the Wicked Witch of the West together. She is the Wicked Witch of the West. Underneath that skin tone make-up is green. She’s even from the West.


I don’t want to be arrested for battery, but if someone threw water in her face, the odds of her screaming “I’m Melting!!!, with her teeth chattering to the ground, are about 110 percent.

“Look what you’ve done! I’m going… oh… ooooooooh….” Poof in a tiny cloud with the smell of sulfur. 

Prove me wrong.


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