Planned Parenthood is Afraid of Only ONE Candidate

Ted Cruz

If you’re truly pro-life, there is only one candidate you should be supporting this election cycle. That person, who is strongly loathed by Planned Parenthood, is Ted Cruz. They dislike him so very much, and I absolutely love it.


When the organization who is the central figure in the videos from the Center for Medical Progress hate someone running for president, I am delighted that I support that person. This is the same “women’s health” organization that participates in the sale of baby body parts, the same clinics which hope for intact baby brains (since they’re so profitable), and the same offices full of “medical” personnel who exclaim “another boy!” as they sift through a casserole dish full of the leftover bloody soup of a recently destroyed human life.

So yes, please despise Ted Cruz. It only increases the admiration I have for him.

Today Cecile Richards, ice queen and CEO of Planned Parenthood, shared more of her disgust for the pro-life Ted Cruz with the following:

“A woman voting for Ted Cruz is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders,” Richards said during a rally for Hillary Clinton.

May I vote for Ted now, please?

Increasingly, Planned Parenthood is providing wonderful publicity for the staunchly pro-life Ted Cruz. When Richards makes statements like that mentioned above, it only spurs those like me, who hold rights for unborn life so dear, to praise Ted even more.  Most of their backward adulation for Cruz is centered around elderly, bloodthirsty harpie, Hillary Clinton. Recently, an email seeking funds for the Clinton campaign, from the Executive VP of Planned Parenthood, mentioned Cruz “could very well be the biggest threat we face”. This statement was to support Hillary, the same candidate who believes abortion restrictions should only be at the very end of the third trimester.


Again, this makes me like Cruz even more.

It was only late last summer that the first video from CMP featured Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Director of Medical Services, Dr. Nucatola, saying the following, while enjoying a leisurely lunch:

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

So your organization thinks Ted Cruz is the worst? Fantastic.

I can understand it, though, Cece. Unlike the front-runner Donald Trump, who lacks any conviction on the subject, Ted does not care what you think. In fact, he has happily fought against you, and would do it again, should he become president.

On 9.28.15 when the Senate voted on a CR (Continuing Resolution) that contained taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, Ted Cruz attempted to offer an amendment that would have stripped all federal funding from PP…

No, Planned Parenthood doesn’t call out Donald Trump or John Kasich, because neither has the strong pro-life record, nor frequently condemns PP in their speeches. Only one person does, and his name is Ted Cruz. And the louder and more frequently they speak ill of him, the abortion industry shows their fear of a potential Cruz administration. And you know what? This woman would be happy with that pro-woman, pro-baby reality.



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