Mike Pence Saw “Hamilton” Last Night. The Audience Booed (and Cheered), The Cast Gave This Speech

If New Yorkers are trying to make a case for ignoring them, they’re doing a great job. Tonight theater-goers were treated to a night of booing and free style political rants at the highly acclaimed play, “Hamilton”. Vice President-elect Mike Pence was in attendance which apparently triggered the cast and crew.


Some of the audience cheered while others loudly booed when he arrived, according to reports from people in attendance. But the show-stopper, literally, was the statement the cast read to him after the performance (and apparently after he already left the room.)

After social media lit up with stories from the event, Hamilton, the Musical sent out this tweet:

I’m trying to imagine a scenario where I’ve paid to go to New York City for the weekend, shelled out cash for the “Hamilton” tickets only to have the performance interrupted by the cast. I’d demand a refund. For the entire weekend… Normal people are tired of being condescended to by those they see as “Elite”, stunts like this aren’t helping the cause.

We want to be entertained. We don’t want a political lecture from a bunch of NYU Drama grads.

No one tell them who invented the electoral college or this could get ugly.


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